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Everything posted by spook

  1. Are the disputed territories occupied, or are they now part of Israel having been taken as spoils of war? As for free passage to and from Gaza, had it not been for the actions of the people who entered Gaza the defensive restrictions that Israel implemented would never have come into being.
  2. If you are saying it blatant lies, then there will be no Gas which was discovered in 2000 off the Gaza coast, if there is Gas then its not lies. No, the particular lie is that Israel want the whole territory. If such had been the case why would Israel have entered into a land for peace deal in the first place. There have been far too many lies and far too much black propaganda and misrepresentation about Israel's defensive, yes defensive action against scum in Gaza as it is. And scum is the right word for sons of dogs who would use their families as a means of gaining propaganda to use against forces directed to do their level best to minimise civil populations.
  3. If that's truth then I'm a Dutch man - and I'm not on either side of my family . Why should someone with a user name that actually discloses a very great deal about the individual present blatant lies as fact?
  4. What a load of tripe. ANYTHING but admit that the bombardment of Israel by a bunch of terrorist scum eventually reached the point when the inclusion of significantly larger missiles simply had to be faced down. Not only that but twists put on what had been allegedly said in order to line up with the story that the teller wanted to be heard. Truth Seeker? Keep looking, you've got a lot more seeking to do and it would be best to look at truthful sources.
  5. When you force people off their land, deny them basic rights, maltreat and oppress them, deliberately provoke and antagonist them into violent reaction in order to justify further abuse, what do you expect them to do? If that was what Israel had done you would have a good point. However since it is NOT what Israel has done then you do NOT have a point. I have learned a very great deal about the history of modern Israel and encountered a very great deal of lying and misrepresentation that has been made by initially the PLO and now hamas. To be honest my sympathies tended not to be with Israel but the more that I dug into what had taken place not only from pro Israel sites but from anti Israel sites and the looked into what had emerged after the contemporary reports it became clear that Israel were by far more sinned against than having sinned.
  6. A formal two state solution will make a bad situation a disaster. I really can't see any solution to the constant state of war that leaves Israel in existence where it presently is. Even the phrase Occupied Territories is not agreed by all parties as Fatah include the land that was within the pre 1967 borders in that category. It's a crying shame but this ongoing conflict will be won by lies not military might which is precisely what the outcome of the present defensive action being taken against hamas in Gaza it turning out to be.
  7. Yes, but not with money -- the most senior leaders of Hamas should all be shot. Along with vile people like this.http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/5612693 Did you read what he wrote and if so what is your synopsis of the article and what message is he trying to convey?
  8. or adopt the cult otherwise you will spend an eternity in hell perhaps? Silly little boy.
  9. I can see your point but what happens when that difference is toxic and is a case of being evil in absolute terms? For example when a cult demands that people should adopt that cult or be killed? Is such a cult evil?
  10. OK, Quilp, here goes. I've described what I consider to be evil in an absolute term and done my level best to keep my beliefs out of it. But "sin"? A partial (as opposed to an impartial) determination as to what is and what is not a sin has to be based on a belief of what is and what is not evil. That then comes to how a definition of evil in absolute terms compares with what is considered evil by an individual or group based on their values and beliefs. That is usually when the fight breaks out!
  11. How could hamas ever pay for the corruption, exploitation, and deliberate sacrifice of nearly two million people in the Gaza Strip alone let alone the huge monetary cost and massive damage to the legitimate state of Israel? Or Jews world wide?I
  12. Oh go on!!! A tin opener.jpg I really did laugh out loud at that! OK, but later.
  13. I'd tried to keep it both secular and succinct but it's as close to defining a thing that is absolute evil as I can come up with right now. Evil and sin, now there IS a can of Worms! And it's a can that I have no intention of opening.
  14. OK, here goes and I can guess what the comments will be. I believe that anything that inhibits the continued evolution of individuals or whole societies /cultures from developing to lead increasingly altruistic lives is evil. I include the abuse of others for self gratification is evil. That's a first cut at it.
  15. I've got my own thoughts about what absolute evil is and if it can be described but I know with absolute certainty when I disclose them I'm going to be torn to shreds. I'll still do so even though I know what the result is bound to be, I have to, but I'd like to see if anyone else has any offers.
  16. There is no reason why the unconscious mind should introduce anything negative. In addition there is no reason why people need any external influence in order to live decent moral civilised lives - I know many who do just that based on nothing more than their nature. As for violence, there is no one to - one correlation between evil and violence.
  17. I was deliberately avoiding bringing God into this for a variety of reasons but was interested in your view regarding absolute evil. You've given an interesting reply that has much merit and for that I do thank you, but I do wonder what others might have to offer and again avoiding any involvement of The Lord because although I am rock solid in what I know it is what I know and therefor my thoughts and beliefs are bound to be subjective if for that reason alone. So is there such a thing as absolute evil, and if so, how could it be defined.
  18. You used an interesting word Chinahand, and that word was "evil". How would you (and others) define evil? Not the definition of evil in religious terms, nor by quoting examples of evil because thats going to be subjective, but evil as a thing. For example is there such a thing as evil in absolute terms?
  19. All Muslims? That's far too lazy a quote. Would it be fair to say you don't like Muslims, if so why? Is it because they don't subscribe to your version of god? Where did I write all Muslims? In any case what I repeated is widely in circulation and is certainly backed up by events.
  20. It's a cliché but whereas a Christian might say "I will die for my beliefs" a Muslim is likely to say "YOU will die for my beliefs".
  21. Could have been us when the wife's nephew and niece stayed for a few days!
  22. Actually all the things in that list with the possible exception of some trivial aspects of algebra have NOTHING WHAT SO EVER to do with Islam other than the people who developed them happened to be Muslims. Their beliefs simply were not a factor.
  23. Just remind me how many Jews have won Nobel prizes as compared to how many Arabs have.
  24. Interesting comments section, more interesting than the article, in fact. Will there be protests from the guilible? . If they even think about it, I'll be there with a megaphone and placards for a counter-protest. I'm not going to sit by and watch a bunch of ****** (most of whom aren't even Manx) make an Israeli feel unwelcome on MY island. They're the ones who are unwelcome. Although Idon't entirely agree with your language but I totally agree with your sentiment
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