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Everything posted by Gizo

  1. They’ve got 100,000 years or so of emancipation to get off their chest. Could be a while yet.
  2. Probably true though.
  3. Look at you all, fawning over poor Stu’s back. Think you missed the real issue here, 25 people to run a shitstorm of a radio station.
  4. Why would I do that. Tell me how many are dead and the percentage increase. Your the one making completely unsubstantiated comments
  5. Enlighten me with your proof please. Thanks.
  6. Field Marshall if you don’t mind.
  7. See callister is crying his peepers out on some political page on faceache over this. I personally blame every idiot in Onchan who voted him in. That includes Helmut Fromage.
  8. And another country, South Africa, legalising the personal use and growing of cannabis. First country in Africa. The movement is real. And unfortunately our out of touch mhk are missing the boat on this.
  9. According to the drunken fancy dresser at the last hustings, legalising blow would have our masters at Westminster up in arms and is a no go. So remind me how guernsey can navigate it. Me thinks Field Marshall Watterson is out of his depth on this.
  10. Maybe if we don’t have to continually drip feed you how the thread is reading, the best option for you would not to comment in the thread in the first place.
  11. It’s going to be tremendously wet.
  12. Err he managed that all by himself. Don’t worry he’ll be back. Unfortunately.
  13. Well stop derailing threads all the time because someone might have a different opinion to yours. End of.
  14. Downer is upset because he flounced his other account
  15. Get used to it. Flounceboy.
  16. That bell scratch who dj’s on energy from 10am was a 252 dj. Dan the Hitman. Knob.
  17. As it’s the last day of FOM/MGP they’re having a memorial ride tomorrow at the grandstand for all the memorial rides they’ve had this year. All are invited to attend.
  18. TT 2019 radio contract up for tender. They’ll all crying their eyes out about it. Guess what, even worse than a gofundme page is a change.org page. Any chance of getting rid of MW for TT? i hope something like Atlantic 252 get the contract
  19. Ffs. #justgivingpage #thoughtsandprayers
  20. Don’t bother Teapot. You talking to an absolute buffoon. He reminds me off Notwell in fact he probably is.
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