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Everything posted by Lxxx

  1. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    If you took the good parts of modern medicine and the good parts from alternative medicine you'd end up with modern medicine. Really?? How so? Care to elaborate on Codex Alimentarius then, if you are so well read on the subject?
  2. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    Citation fucking needed. There has NEVER been a proven link between vaccination and autism. There have been many proven links between lack of vaccination and catching diseases, however. Including deaths caused by people listening to the tripe the likes of you push around: http://en.wikipedia....sease_outbreaks Okey dokey. Me thinks he doth protest too much. You don't by any chance draw your salary from a medical establishment of some sorts do you? When you spout shit that runs the risk of ending with children catching diseases due to lack of vaccination? You're damn right I'm going to protest. Also that quote only be applicable if I worked in Pharma. The same diseases that were already on their way out before the introduction of vaccinations?
  3. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    I think you're special if that helps. You have some interesting posts loaf - so I think you might well have caught up throuigh the University of Life. Aww, Albert!! You are a real softie at heart! or are you just trying to 'butter' loaf up? If kids went out and climbed trees and played in fields, they would soon wear some of that excess energy off, but I do feel sorry for those parents and siblings of kids who do have ADHD, usually as an addition to autism/Aspergers. They really need the drugs prescribed for them. So as well as having autism (which was probably brought about by injecting a cocktail of chemicals into their bloodstream at such a young age) we then prescribe them some more chemicals to help with the symptoms of the last lot. Not a bad business model this pharmaceutical lark is it? Yup. And it's a business that will save your life one day. It probably has already. Or do you want to go back to the bad old days? Nope, we can, and should, take the breakthroughs and advances from modern medicine and the positives from alternative medicine and marry the two together. Unfortunately never the twain shall meet due to the drive for ££££'s.
  4. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    Citation fucking needed. There has NEVER been a proven link between vaccination and autism. There have been many proven links between lack of vaccination and catching diseases, however. Including deaths caused by people listening to the tripe the likes of you push around: http://en.wikipedia....sease_outbreaks Okey dokey. Me thinks he doth protest too much. You don't by any chance draw your salary from a medical establishment of some sorts do you?
  5. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    I think you're special if that helps. You have some interesting posts loaf - so I think you might well have caught up throuigh the University of Life. Aww, Albert!! You are a real softie at heart! or are you just trying to 'butter' loaf up? If kids went out and climbed trees and played in fields, they would soon wear some of that excess energy off, but I do feel sorry for those parents and siblings of kids who do have ADHD, usually as an addition to autism/Aspergers. They really need the drugs prescribed for them. So as well as having autism (which was probably brought about by injecting a cocktail of chemicals into their bloodstream at such a young age) we then prescribe them some more chemicals to help with the symptoms of ingesting a lot more chemicals. Not a bad business model this pharmaceutical lark is it?
  6. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    Ritalin = kiddy coke. Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process. Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves. It's lazy-parenting, Lxxx, and kids having kids. Self-perpetuating, wilful-ignorance and lack of 'life-skills'. Spot on, it's not just lazy parenting it's responsibility-less living. By giving away responsibility for your children's health to the state, and letting them diagnose and medicate your children accordingly, you're subjecting your child to the same brain dead way of life you lead. Or you could use a bit of common sense, see that all children have some form of ADHD of some description (years ago it was just called boredom), cut out all the chemical crap and E numbers you feed them and try and be an actual parent again and stick two fingers up to the pharmaceutical/nanny state mafia.
  7. Lxxx

    Adhd Island

    Ritalin = kiddy coke. Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process. Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves.
  8. Yep, read about this. Fascinating stuff. I'm sure the western influence, as ever, is in there somewhere destabilising things.
  9. Whether people are interested in history or not, the truth will always be the truth, and the facts remain. I don't consider myself to have any political ideology. I have just liked to read a hell of a lot over the years, right across the spectrum, and when you look at things with an open mind and use critical thought, instead of picking an ideology off the shelf and adapting your thinking to it, I certainly think you can see through all the bullshit into what's really going on around us, and what has been going on for centuries.
  10. In my opinion, China is being built up to be the boogeyman of the west, just as Russia was, just as 'Islamic terrorists' are at present. History has shown us throughout the western world that the best way to keep the populace on their toes is to make them fixated on an enemy, real or otherwise, in order to maintain tighter social control, justify exorbitant military spending and to keep the illusion going that they live in a democracy while the 'enemy' is the one who who lives in a repressive society. Maybe I'm wriong, but just my thoughts.
  11. For f*cks sake calm down la...this is a discussion forum not a patronising lecture forum for anally retentive inbreds. 'You can speculate all you like....' well yes I can, and I will, so get a life sunshine.
  12. Although having said that I can foresee a situation in the middle east which has the potential to escalate (or Pakistan) which may indirectly draw in the US and China on opposing sides, so may get a mexican standoff via proxy as opposed to any direct confrontation.
  13. I was being flippant, don't take it so literally. In all likelihood China will take the place of the old Soviet Union during the cold war, as in it being the perpetual enemy to keep the world on it's toes, another east v west, whilst still giving the war machine their extortionate defence budgets to play around with their new toys as a deterrent.
  14. Me thinks the US are pushing Taiwan into a confrontation with China very soon. I think there is a lot in that, but I suspect it's the other way around. What if, after China has bailed out the American and European economies, it decides that it wants to formally re-integrate Taiwan with the mainland? China is probably in a position where it could destroy the global economy overnight. Would America really want to risk what's left of it's economy to get involved in what is, after all, an unfinished civil war from more than 60 years ago? The answer, sadly, is probably yes. The military/industrial complex in the US are probably itching for another scrap to test out out their new weapons they have spent trillions on the past few years.
  15. Me thinks the US are pushing Taiwan into a confrontation with China very soon.
  16. Because trade and liberal internationalism has made maintaining stability in the self interest of world powers. I haven't seen any evidence of that over the past 200 years. All I have seen is self interest based on the end of a missile/gun barrel when the stakes are raised.
  17. Every country/imperialist power, once it is given the tools to do so, embarks on an attempt at world domination, it's a common theme throughout all of history. Why do people think China would be any different?
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