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Everything posted by Lxxx

  1. I think you would be surprised then. Not saying what you say above isn't true as well, but all crown dependancies are plugged into Public Health England and they will want to do the genomic testing and centralise the data, with no outliers. They can then stick to a uniform narrative.
  2. Our whole approach will be driven by Public Health England. In fact it's the reason we were probably forced to dispense with Rachel's services, they will want to centralise everything and can't have us creating a world leading micro case study in how to potentially map and code a viral outbreak, when they are making such a pig's ear of it across.
  3. Can we now have an appreciation that these two jokers need to be a long way from making government decisions once this is over and we can get some fresh elections underway.
  4. Aaaaand the weather has turned as well. Great.
  5. Probably reaffirms why many people feel there are too many useless eaters on the planet and that a thinning and culling of the bottom feeders in the gene pool might not be such a bad thing.
  6. People are still trying to live, heaven forbid.
  7. Satire isn't welcome on here at the moment.
  8. You're seriously not comparing the air in an enclosed meat plant to a walk on your own well away from other people. It's like all semblance of common sense has gone out the window. You don't need a bloody case study to verify that a walk in the plantation with the dog, breathing in some welcome fresh air with no-one else in sight after being cooped up all day, is raising the risk of community transmission.
  9. Is something is so infinitesimal then statistically it's effectively zero. You could always wear a crash helmet when out walking too, on the off chance anything fell from the sky, if it would make you feel better.
  10. Even without a face covering, walking outdoors away from other people the risk of transmission is 0.
  11. As long as they are socially distancing and wear face coverings the risk of transmission is 0. So what is the issue?
  12. If he turns up to Tynwald in his beloved retro military attire we know he means business.
  13. As I said, they will take it slow for a whole host of reasons. Ineptitude will be one of them.
  14. Really? We live on a small island which gets whipped up into various levels of hysteria across social media at the slightest opportunity. Rolling out a programme that affects every individual on it means the slightest issue will be magnified ten fold. I think it's wise to go slow and steady on this one, you disagree. It's fine. But we all know which approach they will take and unfortunately it isn't the one you want. For a whole host of reasons.
  15. I think the whole point in a register is to be constantly updated and assessed so you gather data. What happens if we have three severe reactions on one day at three different locations which means we need to slow down and assess what those three patients have in common, if anything. A quick look through their medical history may indicate they are all diabetic or asthmatic, for example, meaning we then pay particular attention to those individuals in the future and anyone with those conditions should be vaccinated at the hospital, for ease of access to more advanced facilities should they get a reaction. We're dealing with an emerging situation with a lot of unknowns. To treat it like a drive through McDonalds isn't really the best approach.
  16. It's brand new medical intervention. It doesn't come with years/decades of experience that other vaccines come with. Every person that receives it is still effectively taking part in a live trial. I have no issues in people receiving it, but we are small and nimble enough to do things properly using trained medical personnel in a suitable setting, not have people lining up in a car park drive through like across.
  17. With such a small number of people to vaccinate relative to other jurisdictions there is no reason not to take our time and do this properly, to assess each individual and make sure they don't have any contraindications which could prove fatal if not done correctly. We have already seen anaphylaxis in a number of recipients around the world so making sure everyone doesn't have any pre-existing conditions is just good medical practice. No need to aim to 'jab four people a minute' like that idiot Hancock came out with yesterday.
  18. Total copout and likely driven by Public Health England if so, seeing as we delegate most of our thinking to that bastion of excellence in the health field.
  19. Having a company on island who can, I imagine, examine the genomics of these new cases and identify if they came from the original strain, a genetic variant or one that may have possibly emerged from the recent vaccination campaign would be absolute dynamite in addressing this emerging situation. The fact said person and company are on island but in exile is an embarrassment to our government and one would hope common sense would now prevail.
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