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Everything posted by Lxxx

  1. How will the new landlord's bill affect tenancies? I have a house I rent out and haven't really looked into it.
  2. They will divert their planes where they can make the most money, not who kicks up the most fuss.
  3. The prices on the Racket would seem to indicate they agree.
  4. Six of one half a dozen of the other in reality. The airport decision makers have shown for years their lack of flexibility and know how in how to handle an airport in today's environment. Of course to Easyjet the IoM is the lowest of low priorities so we rank down that list in terms of consideration. It's getting so bad that we are considering moving off island now. Connectivity for work for me is key and I have no idea what state the airport is going to be in from day to day at the moment.
  5. Everything we do proves to be extremely expensive, with poor appointment after poor appointment. Do we just continue with Einstein's definition of insanity and just keep hoping for a lucky raffle win with the next appointment?
  6. In my opinion we need to staff Manx Care with professionals who know nothing about health care. The principles of successfully operating at executive level in different industries are the same. All we keep doing is nicking staff from failing healthcare systems elsewhere and expect them to make a positive difference here. We need to tear up the script and operate it like a business. A patient is the customer and the service is the product. Get back to basics and cut out the unnecessary wastage and bureaucracy.
  7. We are turning into Shutter Island. Full of raving lunatics who can't get off and see other forms of civilisation.
  8. Take the chip off your shoulder. I couldn't attend my parents' funerals during the lockdowns. It was shit. Life moves on through. I don't focus on what other people did or are doing, I'm just getting on with my life. Try it.
  9. No, it's idiots that tend to polarise people. As evidenced.
  10. Any links? For verification purposes.
  11. Let's hope our officials take a similar tact when the inevitable steeper rise in illness rears it's head again once as we enter the winter months. I rather think they will as any more extreme measures and the cupboards will be well and truly bare.
  12. No-one is bothered anymore. Literally.
  13. When you say 'dose' do you mean actually being ill enough to be bedridden or just a diagnosis using one of those unreliable tests?
  14. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    Because it's only dark in the eyes of the naysayers. Everyone else gets on with it. People die every day of the year and this week some more died too. They weren't murdered, there's no dark agenda at play here.
  15. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    Well they want fining then. Simple. They have the other 50 weeks of the year to be playing with their bicycles, there's absolutely no need to risking their own life and others by wearing lycra during TT.
  16. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    Peel Day was packed too, albeit spoiled by the weather mid afternoon. Or did I imagine that?
  17. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    Go out like what? Why are you sensationalising someone's unfortunate death. When someone dies of accidental death, especially on/in a motor vehicle, the circumstances are never pleasant. There isn't a sliding scale of ways to go.
  18. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    'The views I express.'? I'm not necessarily a TT fan. I just don't believe we should ban everything we don't agree with.
  19. Doesn't take much effort to pretend it's gone away either. It has, to all intents and purposes, genuinely faded into insignificance.
  20. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    I have friends of mine from around the world watching the TT highlights on TV/Youtube and messaging me on our Whatsapp group asking is my house free for a load of them to come over next year and watch it. Whilst they knew about the TT I don't think most really appreciate what it's about, unless you actively go and seek it. I think in a post-COVID world many people are now looking to tick things off the bucket list or try new experiences. I'd like to think the TT can have a kind of a renaissance if the government and all parties surrounding it can market it the right way moving forwards. One of the first things they need to do it work on the shocking state of the travel to and from the island first.
  21. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    Lots of people drive on the roads safely every day yet still end up in hospital or the morgue. As much as there is a drive these days to eliminate all risk from living life itself (Covid saw this snowball out of control) none of us are leaving this world alive. We're all dying one day and if some people want to feel the kind of adrenaline rush while they are here (and I am quite frankly jealous to a certain extent of the bikers that reach a heightened state of consciousness living life so close to the edge) then we should let them continue. For many people the TT is now more about a holiday/festival to meet like minded people from all over the world. The racing, whilst not incidental, isn't the sole reason for attendance.
  22. Lxxx

    TT 2022 ??

    I think you are giving the island too much credit. They are just filling column inches. Hardly anyone in the world knows where we are let alone gives a shit about what goes on here.
  23. 'Living with the virus' means dealing with it via the health service when it becomes a concern for the individual involved. Like any illness. We live with influenza, norovirus etc... We deal with it as and when needed, otherwise we go about our lives. I'll ignore your ridiculous malaria analogy.
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