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Posts posted by quilp

  1. 32 minutes ago, HeliX said:

    Well if you want to lower the risk to everybody then a ceasefire seems a sensible approach to it.

    Hama's surrender would be a sensible approach. Have you asked yourself why they don't just surrender, for the good of their people? Isn't that a sensible idea, because no way can they EVER win this war.

    No point in extinguishing 3/4 of a fire...

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  2. 14 minutes ago, HeliX said:

    Netanyahu funded and backed Hamas. Which aligns with his aim of preventing a state for the Palestinians.

    Do you even accept the reasons why Netanyahu adopted this policy? I appeal you, take 5 minutes to read why it became so. Take-in the fact that when Netanyahu came to power in January '23, 20,000 new work permits were issued to workers in the gazan enclave, enabling many thousands more in families to escape absolute poverty and to enjoy at least a modicum of stability...


    14 minutes ago, HeliX said:

    Seeing it as a 1 sided thing where Israel is being suspicious and sensible is a bit disingenuous.

    Hardly. Whatever the populist notion says to you, Israel hold all the strings, and always will. The existential threat for them is to be surrounded by millions of ideological nutters intent on its annihilation. It serves them to be suspicious. What you mean by them acting "sensible" is confusing.

    14 minutes ago, HeliX said:

    Successive Israeli Governments have behaved appallingly towards civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

    And in comparison, successive palestinian ruling-bodies have behaved appallingly, without concern for their 'people' by being disinterested in bringing peace to the area. The bastard Arafat has much to answer for in this respect.

    One question for you; why do you think Egypt and Jordan want nothing to do with the palestinian problem? Why did/do their borders remain closed to refugees? They have both stood-by whilst gaza burns, why is this, pray tell..? 

  3. 1 hour ago, HeliX said:

    Muslims in Israel. Same religion. Same people.

    Not really the same people. Those Arab-Israeli muslims are a tad more enlightened (well, most of them at least), by living in Israel they benefit from employment, medical care, a comprehensive education system for their children, adequate housing, amongst other advantages. They're less inclined to support the jihadist bullshit because they realise that living in gaza brings with it poverty, instability and a life dictated-to by violent, barbaric totalitarians who would only bring war, conflict and ultimately destitution.

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  4. 4 hours ago, wrighty said:

    Most people just want to live a quiet life in peace.

    Around 70% of palestinians voted Hamas into power, fully aware of its doctrine of removing all Jews from that land, knowing it could not be achieved via peaceful process, and that bloody conflict with Israel would be inevitable. They knew what they voted for and the inevitable consequences of challenging Israel.

    4 hours ago, wrighty said:

    Demonising an entire group like this is not helpful.

    This entire group, that you refer to is made up of factions of hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, et al, with same objective.


    Even combined in armed resistance, these groups stand not one chance of victory in their war with Israel. Rather than surrender their hopeless task they steadfastly continue to fight when tactically, they've already lost the war. It's senseless, pointless, but the tens of thousands of rockets continue to be fired and fall on Israel; purposely and indiscriminately targeting not only the IDF but its citizens also. It does not matter to these factions that the use of their own citizens as human-shields only serves to raise the death toll and material destruction, preferring instead that they are used merely as a propaganda tool. It's in their interests and it works, as we have seen with the demonstrations happening on the streets of the Western nations by masses who have no idea (and care even less) of the historical background of the decades-old conflict or the real objective of the islamists - the annihilation and removal of ALL Jews. It isn't going to happen, no matter what anyone thinks.

    Why is it only Israel? Why is it that those criticising Israel's right to defend itself are not also concerned with the Christians, Jains, Ba'hais et al, who are being slaughtered, kidnapped, forced into slavery and conversion in their thousands by islamist factions in Nigeria, Yemen, Iraq and other states in Africa and the middle-east, surely these innocent lives matter too?

    The disgusting glorification and celebration of the barbaric October massacre seems long-forgotten. Recently, the islamist leaders have promised more of the same. It's insane, they should spare their people and surrender because a shaky ceasefire is not peace and Israel is there to stay. 

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  5. There's only a very slim chance of a 2-state solution being workable, long term, imo. Can't see the islamists on the ground in gaza, and the mad mullahs in Tehran (who are really fomenting this conflict) supporting a 2-state solution, ever. Seeing as their goal is the total destruction and annihilation of Israel and the removal of all Jews from the middle-east I can't see it ever being resolved. Unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

    Put it in perspective. Hamas report at least 30,000 civilians dead.

    The hamas-controlled health ministry, which release these figures, have never differentiated between civi's and fighters. 

    39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

    The IDF claim at least 9,000 Palestinian Resistance Fighters killed by them. So if there are 2.1m refugees "living" in Gaza then 1% have been killed in this conflict. That's a dreadful figure in itself but it's certainly no genocide.

    A ceasefire is not peace and as Benny Gantz postulated, there's no point in only extinguishing 3/4 of a fire. 

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  7. 44 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

    I think it was a bit longer ago than 2017 Albert. Can't remember the year but it would've been before then when he last played the Villa. I was trying to remember if the original Cockney Rebel played the Lido in '73/74. Can anyone recall ?

    21st July 1974.

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  8. 1 minute ago, HeliX said:

    There is a fix. A single state solution where Israel stops starving people.

    Do you expect aid convoys to travel through a war-zone, in the midst of battle?

    Do you acknowledge that hamas, Palestinian islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, et al, intentionally hindered the evacuation of civilians?

    Do you acknowledge that when humanitarian aid and medical supplies do get through, the distribution is violently controlled by the aforementioned groups who resupply their own needs before the people they allegedly protect?

    The PA also provide 'Pay for Slay' funds to the families of those jihadi 'martyrs' when they are killed after committing war crimes as per the October massacre. Rewarded for the obscene barbarism which we only know the half of. These payments come out of the [by now] billions of dollars in aid donated over the decades, funds which have also facilitated the building of tunnels, stockpiling of weapons, ordnance and much else, before the civilians receive one stinking cent of what has been provided and should be for them.


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  9. I was reading about the assault on Basra, Iraq, in 2003. The citizens were given fair warning to leave before the mortar barrage began. The various terrorist groups holding the ground stopped thousands of innocent men, women and children from leaving, preferring instead to use them as human-shields. Anyone trying to escape was summarily executed, whether man, woman or child. It estimated that thousands of innocents met their deaths this way. A British Army squaddie remarked that as they cleared the city they came upon countless numbers of dead and mortally-wounded civilians, those who could, all told the same story.

    Happening in Gaza?

  10. Just now, IOM said:

    Yes I think they did . I am not sure those shoppers at Lake Road were expecting to pay higher prices to pay for the Shoprite refurbishments though ! All I am seeking to do is show that it’s not as straightforward as some people believe and if you have the time to shop around you can save money ! 

    That helpful comparative list you posted. Let's say the items on that list were actually in your basket. Comparing the two lists appears to indicate that the local purchase-prices of those items amount to less than two quid more than the UK. Personally I don’t find that unreasonable considering our situational circumstances; transportation, storage, etc.

    As you say, more discerning shoppers might want to shop around but will the average family-shopper do that when everything is conveniently under one roof?

    Who are the competitors anyway, the Co-op? M&S? Err..?

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