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Everything posted by rmanx

  1. Yes lets attach ourselves to yet another grubby scheme...
  2. Oh dear. Allegation of sock-puppetry to distract from the subject? Idiot. If you will read I made a point and then pointed out your defensiveness of a certain poster. You just developed selective quoting. And here you are defending it again. The lady protest too much...
  3. Manxman Donald Teare, a forensic scientist who performed more than a thousand autopsies was asked to investigate Lee's death. He concluded that Lee's death was caused by a reaction to Equagesic, specifically a muscle-relaxant contained in the ingredients of the drug. His physical attributes would not've saved him under these circumstances. You draw conclusions like curtains. My point being that while insanely fit and incredilbly talented, death will get you one way or another. Winston Churchill wouldn't have been a good leader according to ManxSockPuppet. (Does anyone else notice how defensive of ManxFitness quilp is...just sayin')
  4. Bruce Lee was one of the fittest people on the planet...didn't do him much good.
  5. Trump is a very successful man. You also can't downplay luck as a factor, and success in managing Casinos, property and self-publicity aren't necessary the skills needed to be a statesman. And being born into a fortune, that always helps. Although I did read somewhere that if he had just "saved" his money rather than building his "empire" his wealth would be twice as much as he has today.
  6. Trump has said some really creepy things about banging daughter recently. The guy is a cartoon character.
  7. Moron. Well thought out response . Now off to work in your Subaru like a good boy. Over the Mountain of course I neither own a Subaru or regularly use the mountain road. I do however understand that large numbers of people do use the mountain road, be it for business or pleasure. Your suggestion was moronic and completely devoid of any real world value. Hence me calling you a moron.
  8. Moron. bell or teare? both??? Manxie44...and those other two.
  9. Mad Max: Fury Road... It was an okay post apocalyptic film, but I think it traded on the MM name a lot harder than it justified. Max wasn't the main character in my opinion, which was taken by Charlize Theron's "Furiosa". Visually excellent.
  10. It's not your personal "DONT LIKE" button. There is a difference between not liking something and finding something utterly offensive. But then this is your train set, and you enforce the "rules": "No obscenities, no defamation, no tasteless or otherwise unpleasant or injurious posts and no posts which break either the civil or criminal law are allowed"
  11. Seeing as you brought the fact that the post was reported by you into the public domain, these are exactly the kind of reports that we generally don't act on. We are not the taste police. What you find offensive, is largely irrelevant I'm afraid. Our job is to act on reports that may have potential legal consequences, and as much as you would like to think so, poor taste isn't in that class. Over half the reports we get are people complaining about other people saying things that they consider to be offensive. Our own personal view and moral compass doesn't come into it, and sometimes we might agree, but we're not going to do anything about it. It's just a waste of our time quite honestly. Good to know the report button is essentially pointless then.
  12. Sorry but I don't find it funny in the slightest, special brand of humour or not.
  13. You are an unpleasant person and I find your post offensive. Reported.
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