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Everything posted by Raffles

  1. Never had an issue myself, just observations based on friends experiences and through my work. I obviously made a big mistake thinking either of you might be able to indulge in a discussion without resorting to insults or laughing emojis, so more fool me.
  2. It's not a gamble, simply because we can produce electricity from renewables.
  3. Yes I can. I work and earn a good wage. Sorry about that. I don't agree, no. Nor do I care what motivates your children. I am fully supportive of replacing gas with solar in social housing whether it affects your children's incentive to work or not, funnily enough. But there are plans in the pipeline to help everybody with investing in renewables. We will be moving away from oil and gas to renewables whether any of you like it or not I'm afraid
  4. Your second paragraph says everything anyone needs to know about you.
  5. You stick with your boiler then and I'll stick with my free energy from solar 😂
  6. What's that supposed to mean? Why ask the question then ignore the answer. I have friends with solar powered homes, do you? I also have quotes for replacing my boiler with solar and will be doing so next year. Ps Daphne talks a lot of sense and I fully support her. You're taking crap on the other hand.
  7. I completely disagree. In my opinion, in most cases, fathers see as much or as little of their children as they want and the mother has to just suck it up. Courts are biased towards men in most cases. Courts will award 50/50 custody if the man wants, or just one or two days if he prefers. Courts will find on the man's side in the most bizarre of cases. There is no way a mother can get financial support for her child if the father cba paying, unless she has a fortune to waste on fancy lawyers. I am sure there are some mothers who are dicks, but most want the best for their kids and will allow even the most dickhead of fathers to see their children whenever they want, even if they refuse to pay anything towards their upkeep!
  8. You can run an entire house from solar panels, yes even in the winter.
  9. They only need a few hours. 4 maximum. They work on cloudy days too.
  10. Finlo, not sure how you have not noticed, but the sun is still in the sky during the winter. Solar still provides energy in the winter for this reason.
  11. Yes they are faulty. DBC decided to buy crap lights that break every time the wind blows. The obvious choice for Costa del Douglas. Now waiting for 256 new parts and hoping the weather doesn't happen again!
  12. Grandparents don't have any right to see children. Never have, never will. It's a shame the way you two are blaming mothers. So many men run out on their children, don't support them, see them whenever they can be bothered. I suspect any woman who won't let someone see her child has a very good reason for that.
  13. The court system is a joke, designed to make money for lawyers and that's about it. It is highly biased towards those who can afford to hire lawyers and we are in the terrible situation where many single parents are receiving no support from their ex and are unable to afford to do anything about it. Needs a total overhaul and all legislation needs rewriting in plain English.
  14. I wouldn't believe everything some random on a forum says. The statistics on island recycling are readily available should you choose to look.
  15. You're wrong. Reducing bin collections has been shown over and over again to increase recycling. That's why councils all over the UK have done it and why DBC are following suit. https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/less-rubbish-collection-means-more-recycling-shows-research/ Over 40% of the waste burned in the EFWP is recyclable, including a lot of aluminium and other materials that are valuable. DBC sell the recycling and save on EFWP fees, meaning it's win win for ratepayers.
  16. Ridiculous comment. Guided carefully? I just googled Douglas bin collections and found all the information within seconds. I don't even live in Douglas but know all about the reduction in bin collections because it's been all over the news. I am lobbying my local council to reduce to fortnightly collections as well. Sick of the sight of my lazy neighbours bulging bins that are full of recyclables. Some people have to be forced to behave like adults and reducing bin collections has been shown to work well in doing this.
  17. Great initiative. Encourages people to think about their waste, reduce it and recycle more. And the headline should read "Man who doesn't read local news, local websites, social media or listen to any local radio astounded to realise he has no idea what's occurring locally". Bloody idiot.
  18. Many festivals and events rely on the goodwill and unpaid contribution of time. Glastonbury, Leeds, Isle of Wight,Reading, Most music festivals do. There are many organisations seeking volunteers for racing events too, including cycling, running, rallies and motor racing. It's not at all unusual. Quite the opposite in fact. Volunteers are a crucial part of most large events.
  19. That seems incredibly high, is that including the heat pump too? I have had a quote for £5000 for installing solar panels on my property, which should meet all my electric needs.
  20. Oh dear. Seems tin foil hatters abound on this forum, I hadn't realised.
  21. Irrelevant. A cold isn't lethal and the flu only kills about 0.1%, covid has a much higher rate. One reason to report positive results is to try to work out the fatality and serious illness risk, amongst other reasons.
  22. The government are currently asking that people report positive tests for public health surveillance purposes. This is a unique situation and if reporting helps in any way, why wouldn't one report. If your entire family cba that says everything i need to know about you and your family.
  23. Who says there is no data? Some people may not report a positive test but in my own circle, everybody has reported theirs. Some people are lazy nomarks, who feel a frisson of excitement bursting through their tiny minds at the rebellion of not reporting, but most aren't. Most probably still report.
  24. Will the crogga license be extended if need be ? They have less than 2 years on it I think. Can't see many investors if it won't! Good decision all round and good to see we have so many politicians who are in tune with the public. Whose main concern is climate change and doing all we can to negate our impact.
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