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Ringy Rose

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Ringy Rose last won the day on August 8

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  1. No, a dual carriageway has two carriageways separated by a central reservation. It can have any number of lanes in each carriageway. Usually two, sometimes one, sometimes three, where I used to live had four in each direction. Thank you for attending my TED talk.
  2. I know, it is a 30mph urban road. But it is a dual carriageway. It has a central reservation.
  3. The Highway Code literally defines a dual carriageway as a road which has a central reservation to divide the carriageways. The definition matters more in the UK because the national speed limit is higher on a dual carriageway. But the same definition is in the Isle of Man Highway Code. It scares me that some of you are allowed to drive.
  4. He studied at KWC. All the qualifications you need!
  5. bUt GoVeRnMeNt ShOuLd WoRk On A mOrE cOmMeRcIaL bAsIs
  6. It’s almost as though Sunday is the day where they’re most reliant on overtime.
  7. “We’ve had the booking for your wedding pencilled in for six months but sorry, we’ve cancelled it on the day because Brian and Mavis can’t possibly wait 20 minutes for the next bus to Port Erin”.
  8. Ringy Rose


    That was the official line when they put the woman responsible in charge of the Metropolitan Police instead of putting her in prison where she belongs.
  9. There are four buses an hour during the day to Nobles. I’m sure people can cope if one gets cancelled.
  10. The linkspans there are designed specifically for the e-Flexer. Stena didn’t want us there.
  11. The Manxman is the first ship in the entire history of the Steam Packet to have been slightly dinged against a harbour wall whilst manoeuvring in strong wind. I’d say we should just scuttle her.
  12. I quiett often book a through ticket with British Airways, once you’ve factored everything in it’s not normally any more expensive than booking separately through Manchester. The benefit of a through ticket is that if a flight get delayed or cancelled then the rebooking is their problem. I’ve even recently done a package holiday through BA Holidays. Worked really well, dumped my bags at Ronaldsway and picked them up again in Spain.
  13. I quiett often book a through ticket with British Airways, once you’ve factored everything in it’s not normally any more expensive than booking separately through Manchester. The benefit of a through ticket is that if a flight get delayed or cancelled then the rebooking is their problem. I’ve even recently done a package holiday through BA Holidays. Worked really well, dumped my bags at Ronaldsway and picked them up again in Spain.
  14. I’ve worked with people in debt who weren’t paying their mortgage but were paying the tithe in full every month. I’ll let others decide whether that counts as having their life ruined.
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