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Everything posted by Bill1977

  1. Well the lesson learnt here is if you live on the Isle of Man don’t get ill! Post Covid world not looking in good shape. Just because you give something a new name doesn’t mean it’s any different!
  2. Add the airport to the list of basic infrastructure systems we can’t operate. Schools, hospitals the list goes on!
  3. We are going to struggle to fill specialist positions in many industries as people don’t want to move here for various reasons. We have to develop the population we have more effectively at least, so they can do their jobs better.
  4. There is lots of evidence to say climate change is real, some evidence to say it isn’t. Either way globalisation and pollution made the effects of Covid worse. It has resulted in more ill health and spread the virus more easily.
  5. The general population go into other industries as they are paid better and the ethos in society is look to after number 1, not help others. Healthcare staff are underpaid, have irregular/unsociable hours and have to take a lot from the general public. No wonder people don’t want go into that sector of work. Working in education now requires you to try to understand the social issues driving children’s behaviour if you want make an impact. There are so many children suffering from emotional issues driven by dysfunctional families and society that teaching and keeping some sort of order in school is close to impossible.
  6. We can’t run a basic healthcare or education system at the moment. What a mess. In the meantime other government departments are trying to get people to move here! We are trying run before we can walk.
  7. Amazing they still made a loss despite the pulling in crowds usually expected for 4 tiers up and having no player wages.
  8. Sorry for your losses. Hopefully future deaths from the virus will be minimal (any death is hard to take for the families involved).
  9. Like idiots on bikes or idiots who had parties or travelled during covid when people couldn’t attend their own family member's funerals.
  10. It’s about reducing risk. It’s not a surprise that this has sparked a few negative comments. TT and Covid polarise people like few other topics.
  11. It’s no wonder everyone just does what they like when the likes of Boris are in charge. There’s a massive culture of selfishness around where people have no respect for others and just do what they like regardless of how it affects others. The covid situation and people’s attitudes to the TT highlight that clearly.
  12. Just saying! People on here might not that afraid of it, but there are plenty who are and have vulnerable family members. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. A little bit of compassion and humility wouldn’t go amiss. Next people will be saying it’s no worse than the common cold. On the note of Glastonbury you watch the case numbers saw and covid death numbers go up in the UK after this. Again there are other ways to generate money and be entertained, but of course the show must go on!
  13. It’s well and truly back and it’s no coincidence that the numbers have gone up post TT. After the deaths and now the Covid aftermath which will affect people’s well-being, as well as the economy, you have to think was the TT all really worth it. There are other forms of entertainment and ways to make money out there if that’s what the population and the government crave.
  14. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    If the BBC documentary changes people’s perceptions negatively then brands sponsoring the TT may worry about people not consuming their products as a result.
  15. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    As mentioned previously if we are trying to make the Isle of Man look like a caring community where we look after people, then the TT makes us look the opposite. You can come over and take part in our bike races, but there is a higher chance than any other sports event that you will get seriously injured or die. It’s your choice. Many of the officials involved in the races are amateurs too in case you didn’t know. The BBC documentary will be interesting and if off the back of that sponsors start to pull out then that could be a game changer.
  16. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    On the topic of people knowing the risks. Do the spectators know the risks too? The main risk for a spectator being witnessing a bad crash or fatality and then getting PTSD as a result. It’s ok the ‘tough’ older generation, but what if a younger member of society witnessed such a crash.
  17. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    Riding a bike is the most dangerous form of transport: https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/18264/the-most-dangerous-ways-to-travel-in-the-us/ There are other ways to get from A to B and be entertained.
  18. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    It’s the thrill of riding a bike that is the addiction, the faster the better. For that the TT is the ultimate high.
  19. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    It’s their addiction. Maybe the organisers will go through the course and identify high risk areas to be addressed for next year in the hope that the fatalities will be reduced. Perhaps getting rid of the sidecars might be considered. This debate will run and run. As the world evolves the TT will get increasing scrutiny. If sponsors start to pull out then the real crunch time will come.
  20. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    I don’t really think the competitors are getting a clear read on it. If you looked at it in a logical way there is no reason to take part. There’s an addictive element to it which means they will keep on coming back for more. They love the thrill of it and taking part could cost you your life. They aren’t thinking of anyone else except themselves.
  21. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    Road racing is considerably more dangerous than track racing and the TT is the most dangerous. The stats back that up.
  22. Bill1977

    TT 2022 ??

    If they hosted a football festival every year and every time they ran it 5 players died would they continue with it? The course has proven to be not safe. It produces too high a percentage fatality rate per competitor/participant. Those risking their lives by taking part clearly aren’t the thinking of the family members they leave behind.
  23. Meanwhile we’re just getting on with it: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/six-further-covid-19-deaths-confirmed-this-week/
  24. The reason why mask mandates haven’t worked is the inability of the populous to carry out them out correctly and respectfully, not the mandate itself.
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