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  1. The forum wisdom of drunky mc drunk face. Very humerous.
  2. Using your own fake account on your own forum to snipe at people again Councillor as you haven’t got the guts to interact directly with a poster? No doubt bans will be coming as you clearly don’t have the substance to debate and all you can do is ban comments and commenters you don’t like from your silly little fiefdom. Nobody is being disrespectful or uncalm above. Nothing I have said above fits into those categories at all. It’s disgusting just expressing an opinion? Really? I can point you to plenty of actually disgusting comments on your forum but you don’t care when they’re directed at other people. Again those are accusations you throw at posters to detract from your total lack of substance as a person and a Councillor. Also for someone who literally lives their life posting shit on social media raging about things daily those comments really take the biscuit. I mean what’s sadder than going through an airport taking pictures of stuff and then putting it all on Twitter calling out government to try to make yourself look good? Maybe we should get a few people going round Douglas putting the shit state of everything you’re responsible for on Twitter 24/7 and making a massive song and dance about it like you do? It just makes you look like a right angry self-absorbed social media clown so don’t you dare lecture me. Maybe if you, Watson and Bentley especially spent less time posting shit on Twitter and more time doing your jobs as Councillors Douglas wouldn’t be such an embarrassing badly run shit-tip?
  3. It would also be good if DBC could explain how they will be securing 55 units on this site and the price that they will be paying for said units. That would seem to be a fundamental cost issue to do with this whole plan. Not least because Councillor Pitts has publicly said that they haven’t even been approached to buy or let these 50 odd units yet. But never mind maybe it’s a deal that’s been done by the building controllers that nobody has any visibility over at all. If so maybe we’ll all find out about it in 5 or 10 years time after everyone’s had their earn out.
  4. The only person going crazy appears to be councilor fake.
  5. Nobody needs to tone anything down Councillor. Although yet again you can’t respond coherently so you ban any account that dares to question your motivation in running this forum and start the same ludicrous threats of legal “things”. Like Allan Bell when confronted with Peter Karan’s claims of “institutional corruption” you choose to deliberately misunderstand the meaning of the word fraud. In this situation it relates to a person or thing intended to deceive others typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with certain accomplishments or qualities. Which is exactly what you are doing by claiming credit for being some sort of open progressive council member whilst clearly being nothing of the sort at all. How is the investigation going into the building controllers? How are the problems with waste disposal and the civil amenity site going? Has that bloke got his disgusting mold ridden flat cleaned yet? Douglas looks a complete state like some sort of poorly funded third world cesspit. Your only response so far has been to post pictures of the airport on Twitter and make accusations at the DOI rather than provide answers to Douglas ratepayers about how your own shoddy, dirty, incompetent little empire is being managed. That’s deliberate deception. That’s unjustifiably claiming credit for something that isn’t so. That’s pure deflection by switching to accusations of the competence of others as a deliberate distraction whilst clearly suppressing questions surrounding the competence of the agency that you yourself sit on. So basically in plain English terms it’s painting a fraudulent perception of what is really going on. When will you be effectively dealing with issues to do with Douglas Council and it’s failings rather than constantly throwing mud at other government agencies on social media?
  6. Have the PAC findings been published yet?
  7. It doesn’t really matter it was obviously cheaper to play games with a company than succumb to the building controllers bullying. Looks like they’ve left him alone and are now just picking on people for being poor and not being able to upgrade their property without considering selling it to their mates on the cheap.
  8. As an alternative. Do you have anything of value to add to the debate?
  9. A couple of hundred quid. Yes imagine living on the same street as a Princes Street Councillor or mayor having to walk past it every day.
  10. He failed to succumb to sustained bullying by town hall. Just like Bellamy. Unlike others it seems. Much easier to officially bully low income workers who obviously have no money in an attempt to get them to sell their house out on the cheap.
  11. You mean he refused to be bullied by town hall who it seems may have eventually found a nice line in bullying easier targets out of their homes.
  12. They’ve done it before too. Bear in mind Princess Street has been the home of several mayors and DBC councillors over the years. This is back in 2018 where they were bullying the head of Mec Vannin over things they said needed doing on a property who then ended up swapping company ownership in a cat and mouse game to avoid succumbing to the actions of their building control department. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/ps1-house-legal-loophole-exploited-by-mec-vannin-chairman-221126 They don’t seem to be very good at going for clever folk like Kermode or Bellamy but perhaps focus instead on skint uninformed people who end up losing their property.
  13. A ground hog day clip gets more ironic and even more irrelevant the more times it’s used.
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