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  1. FANDL


    It’s all very odd. But believe the actual situation was very odd and irregular to start with. But dropping your own defense lawyer after he has basically said that the only thing that isn’t in dispute is that the documents were fake is interesting.
  2. FANDL


    Well as the quote attributed to Hawkins says. It would have been an awful lot easier for anyone to raise funding if a government guarantee was in place. Suppose like Dr Ranson it will be down to analyzing meta data in documents. How easy is it to create a perfect fake of a document that doesn’t link back to who created it? How easy is it to cut and paste a digital signature left on one document into another document without leaving a trail? Presumably all relevant documents are discoverable.
  3. FANDL


    It’s not clear exactly who faked it yet. But it’s a fake. Have heard a story about this one so will be interesting what the court determines.
  4. FANDL


    Todays installment is good where Hawkins discloses that he was basically paid five grand to issue a valueless facility letter and did no due diligence at all. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/brokers-shock-over-forged-documents-used-in-alleged-stobart-air-purchase-fraud-686428 “The witness also denied drafting an email to Mr Scales to which the guarantee document was attached”
  5. FANDL


    Plenty of IOM addresses on these https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/hNRqJbBuhy-sYf_eHHwnqftWzQg/appointments
  6. FANDL


    Similar to Hamas for you. The secretary of that company was once one of Tillyards right hand men who decimated the centre of Castletown in an act of shock and awe.
  7. FANDL


    Born in 2000. What sort of person uses their own kid(s) as a human shield?
  8. FANDL


    UK records are here. You might find the Directors were tax resident here before 2019 https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11898871
  9. FANDL


    There is a group structure. Some are IOM businesses and some are UK. Paradigm VL Group is a UK company but the Directors were IOM resident until around Covid and there are (or were) connected IOM entities that sit under the Group.
  10. FANDL


    The Barrowman deal fell through well before the situation in question. The supposed lender was a company called Paradigm which is owned by a delusional chancer who ostensibly did a bunk from the IOM before Covid.
  11. The rebel group of chums? https://fearandloathing2021.wixsite.com/fearandloathingblog/post/holy-backbench-when-it-comes-to-alternative-policy-crusaders-we-ve-now-got-chris-claire-and-j
  12. He now lives in the parish of Lonan having lived in the Braddan area for around the last 20 years. Very odd timing.
  13. Hasn't Jessopp subsequently moved house anyway to the Laxey area? Can he even stand again if he’s now out of the area?
  14. There’s livestreams and pictures posted elsewhere that allows folk to follow. Looks like the audience was limited due lack of to ease of access issues. Mr Quaye was clearly and categorically not there as the video footage proves.
  15. It will be interesting to watch the feedback from this one. Lots of the Douglas public meeting people seemed to think that they had just been shut down and then further shut down on social media. It looks like almost the whole meeting so far was Jessopp justifying Jessopp spending £10M on a facility that now has no purpose at all. If that doesn’t see him off as a politician nobody in Braddan that voted for then nothing will. Believe their most credible commissioner John Quaye didn’t even turn up. So there can’t even be much support for Jessopp. Even from the commissioners.
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