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Thomas Dalby

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Everything posted by Thomas Dalby

  1. I’m not in fact. But from what I have seen I just need convincing these people are not a bunch of cowboys
  2. I am sure that with Chris Robertshaw’s concerns about corruption in government he would not want to see the government hand out a drilling licence to an outfit whose CEO has been fined under the Norwegian criminal code
  3. I don’t think you got back to us on whether the highly respected CEO of Crogga you refer to is this chap https://www.corpwatch.org/article/norway-former-statoil-executive-pay-fine-over-iran-deal
  4. Is this yer man? https://www.corpwatch.org/article/norway-former-statoil-executive-pay-fine-over-iran-deal
  5. If the people behind the Crosby Meadows development were doing a windfarm I’d be equally as worried
  6. I love the idea this is all risk free to the IOM taxpayer, as if no-one will look to the government to sort it out if the project runs out of money or is mismanaged
  7. I can see the arguments for supporting or opposing the Bishop being there and having a vote as a matter of principle, but deciding the issue based on the political views of the holder of the post at any given time is so muddle-headed
  8. Let’s hope they can think of a way of getting their evidence into court
  9. The Govt were not the ones making the accusation or doubting the Expol report. Anyone who is can still take evidence to the police
  10. I’m not saying Dr Ranson was at fault, she was appallingly treated. Just surprised that the most serious accusation of all was not pursued
  11. Shocking as many of the details of the judgment were, I am not sure there is a more serious accusation than that the government concocted documents. It seems an odd thing to assert but not pursue
  12. Paragraphs 373 and 374 of the Tribunal remedy judgment make clear that it expected Dr Ranson to challenge the Expol findings in evidence, given she alleged there were concoted documents, but she didn’t. “There remains nothing to stop Dr Ranson referring the matter to the Constabulary herself”
  13. I know what “corrupt” means
  14. You might be over-estimating Tim Glover’s capabilities here
  15. Precisely, if the BMA are using the word corruption they need to provide evidence
  16. I can’t read this without the voice of Gareth from The Office kicking in
  17. You are wrong, University of Liverpool owned it until 2006 when they sold it to the then DOLGE
  18. Given the reference in the judgment to the fact that of the seven identified Medical Directors/Chief Medical Directors in the UK the salary range was from £149,375 to £170,000 and only Sir Christopher Whitty (just) earned more than Dr Ranson I suspect fears that people might not want to apply for jobs here might be a bit overplayed
  19. Why would it? They are something of a 1960’s throwback. If you wanted to raise something with your MHK would you send an email or scour the public notice boards to find the date for the next surgery?
  20. What were the points of law on which the first appeal and the second appeal were made?
  21. Pretty certain this has now gone on longer than the wedding scene in The Deerhunter
  22. Quite liking the “someone independent like Chris Robertshaw” thing. More pre-set opinions than Chatbot
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