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  1. I don’t know what purpose I’d have for stealing someone’s identity, why are you assume bad. It takes allot for people to speak out on these things are you are making it out to be a joke. If I could block you I would. Stop.
  2. I spoke to her not long ago, she actually gave me good advice and said my age didn’t matter due to certain circumstances and said she will help me in anyway she can. Thankfully there are still many good people left in the world. Regarding the abuse I won’t speak here but i really do appreciate you reaching out I am actually seeking an advocate especially considering that the police ignore my evidence and won’t even take a look at it and no my abuse was physical, psychological and had an element of sexual to it not so direct but it’s difficult to explain here. What is your name so I can look you up I’d really appreciate it.
  3. Appreciate the support, unfortunately the police have actually ignored me when I tried to give evidence and yes I have spoke to one of the police who is the head of criminal investigations he now ignores my calls even when I say I have evidence. All is well now I will be pursuing this further as I’ve been pointed in the right direction. Appreciate it
  4. I wouldn’t get involved in that at all, little bit random 🤣
  5. Nellie thank you so much I have spoke to her 10 minutes ago you have no idea how much you’ve pointed me in the right direct. may God bless you tenfold Amen
  6. A crime has been committed and I find it quite disheartening that you would say such a thing when you can see I’m talking about a historical child Abuse claim. If I say child abuse I mean child abuse, a crime. Thankfully people have given some good advice so now I’m even more on the right track than before
  7. Thank you to everyone who has replied, I have spoke with Kerry and it has helped more than you all could know. You have no idea the help you are giving and I appreciate it very much.
  8. Hello! I am writing this to see if anyone can help me or has dealt with this before. I was adopted in the Isle of Man and unfortunately my adoptive parents abused me for 13 years. I asked for my files when I was 18 and discovered that the Isle of Man social services for children were aware of abuse prior to the adoption however let the adoption go ahead never the less! I have this evidence yet the Isle of Man head of investigations police ignore my calls to give them evidence! I need help! I feel trapped and want justice. I am traumatised from what happened as it lasted over a decade until I finally broke free. I see other people have spoke on similar topics before so I’m assuming there should still be some accounts on here who can help me. I was adopted in 2003 and left my adoptive parents in 2015 I seen some posts in 2006 talking about cover ups in social services and abuse so I’m assuming there must be some people to talk to about this. I need help can anyone help me. I want to hold social services accountable.
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