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Everything posted by bluemonday

  1. Radioactive Seagulls Must Die!!!!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cumbria/8536094.stm
  2. Obese hedgehogs forced to enrol in 'fat club' http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle7020999.ece
  3. More threats. China threatens Obama over Dalai Lama meeting http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle7011834.ece
  4. China was awarded the Olympic games in order to help the growth of democracy IIRC one of the lame reasons for the decision Hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. Another popular Chinese problem highlighted here - Corruption Public Support Teenager Who Killed Corupt Official
  5. Is that the Danny Boyle one with Cillian Murphy? I thought it was fantastic, a highly underrated film in my opinion. Yes that's it. Did not receive the praise it should have. Now what I think is a superb film is Dust Devil - old film - 1993 - but the uncut version really is worth watching. A bit graphic in parts but not needlessly gratuitous. Known as a cult movie but underated I feel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_Devil_%281993_film%29 Just watching it now.
  6. District 9 Absolutely stunning on so many levels If you haven't seen it, make sure you do.
  7. English lessons for 'Polish' dog Bark / szczekać
  8. Watched the Sunshine DVD last night, not bad.
  9. There is of course always the option of actually doing something as opposed to talking about it. Lead by example, destroy the system etc
  10. The simple fact is that the IOM was trousering money it wasn't actually earning. Were the government not aware of that? I suspect they were and they knew it was an imbalance in their favour. The health agreement seems to be a reaction to overcharging elsewhere. All simple business decisions based on the figures. The tourist industry will never be what it once was and as a cogent alternative to the FS is a non starter now. What is apparent now and should have been understood for a good few years is that the present set up is a bloated leech that has grown on the backs of the good times and ruled by self interest. Pockets have been well and truly lined and money frittered away on grandiose projects and ego trips. As for young people, usually ignored and then patronised occasionally. Yes good luck to the 'novus ordo' but meaningful practical proposals are needed not empty rhetoric. When that happens, I'm sure many will support them in clearing away the dross. It needs doing.
  11. On the subject of the UK government, I do feel that our wise leaders ( using both words wryly ) here should firmly do away with any notion that a change to a Conservative government will result in a second halcyon golden age. It won't Agreed. Finance is, by virtue of recent events, a global concern to be met with unified global regulation. The days of the small loose cannon is coming to an end. If not an end, a cul de sac. Kersal as regards your concerns, whilst I do understand your points and they are valid, the 'nationalist' movement - mec vannin and their fellow bandwagon travellers are unlikely to be ever in a position to do anything. Painting slogans and making speeches yes, competently running the island in the 21st century no. I just hope you and your fellow professionals will realise that, alarming though it may seem to many, it's not likely to be a major issue here. Of greater concern should be the way the present bunch are 'governing'. I say governing - a better description might be clutching/clinging wide eyed and impotently to the tiller as the good ship IOM is tossed around on the sea of world events. There may well be merit in CHs suggestion re Scotland.
  12. Beowulf Ray Winstone - 'I've come to kill your maaawnster' Absolute crap from start to finish
  13. Terrapin Dumping Causes Problems Snap Snap
  14. Ah the Smuggy Wailoids have woken up http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-...eserve-die.html
  15. A British man convicted of drug smuggling in China has been executed, the Foreign Office has confirmed. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8433285.stm
  16. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6969061.ece "there is no doubt that the authorities regard capital punishment as an important deterrent" And to my mind, an important tool of repression.
  17. Once again? Tibet since the 1950 invasion. And of course Tiananmen. To name but two instances in a long catalogue of repression Still there's always a place for people who don't care who they do business with as long as there's possible profit. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/Sam-Barks-i...form.5715449.jp I expect human rights was top of the agenda. Giving them the Olympic Games lost any chance of making them change their ways. What was the excuse, some crap about helping democracy? http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard-oly...na-democracy.do
  18. Rampaging bullock In Birmingham Moo Grrrr!
  19. Octopus snatches coconut and runs Viddy Clicky
  20. Drunken elk suspected of killing woman Clicky
  21. Ravens tactically astute. Clicky
  22. Iron Man, not bad but I felt the ending could have been better.
  23. Hippos obliterate Crocodile http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle6918747.ece That'll teach him.
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