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Everything posted by WTF

  1. fair enough, but i remember a bit of a union stink not as far back as tourists, what are they? about paying dockers for early morning starts. can't remember any of the major details but it must 20 odd years ago.
  2. it wasn't so much that people didn't want to arrive at 4am ( unless you mean from a public transport taxi point of view?? ) , it was that you had to pay the dockers a fantastic overtime to be about at that time, sailing slow overnight saves in docker wages and fuel ( and taxi fares if you meant it that way )
  3. of all the things to stick in the middle of a roundabout for drivers to crash into an ANCHOR has to be one of the most unsafe things to hit out there ( but it is pretty ). a big bean bag would be a better option, or bouncy castle??
  4. the quicker they fix it the quicker they are burning more fuel. how quickly do you expect them to get round to it??
  5. fair points, government didn't buy the boat, but it is still a shit item for the manx public to put up with.
  6. that boat has been a bag of shit from the start. if there's a naff option to buy we get it! boat, train, radar, bus ticket machines, iris, etc etc. and tange wonders why there is so much criticism of government?? skelly made me laugh with the 'build on public confidence' headline in the zaminer, you can't build on fuck all !! you need foundations , foundations that many of the current incumbents have been excavating away at with lies and deceipt over the years.
  7. And York road was bone dry JW. I think peel road was on the very edge of the downpour and not hit the same as Richmond hill and Bradden bridge. I also find it a bit of a joke that a bridge directly above a river should have trouble draining water away? I guess leaves had clogged the grids up?
  8. rumour mill is suggesting that peel road needs digging up AGAIN to sort the drainage issue??
  9. maybe the sefton group bought the shares in pinewood?? one good turn and all that......
  10. the force deserted him. bet his lawyers haven't though!!
  11. the sad thing is the usual suspects we have who stand again will get voted back in after spouting the bullshit promise of change. the electorate will fall for it again!!! it would be nice for a clean sweep of new folks who will release the facts we seem to be denied by the current incumbents.
  12. Where's the photo of houghton?
  13. WTF

    Mountain Watch

    did a sheep crash its bike then?
  14. WTF

    Mountain Watch

    it might have been Lord Lucan, but i bet it wasn't!
  15. WTF

    Mountain Watch

    if you cant see it from the webcam it will be humped and burned down before TT is over.
  16. Really? When, where? maybe mr christian can explain????
  17. recycling bin??? more like letter box!!
  18. I have told this story before on here but the story I was told by someone quite reliable was that the farmers did not want it to spread on their land. It is an image thing, who would want to eat food grown with the aid of human sh1t, (yes some may not be bothered but the majority would not) its one thing spreading animal manure, quite a different spreading human manure................... And cows dont like eating grass grown with human waste as fertiliser. On a farm I used to live on the tail drain from the septic tank was a loop shape in one of the fields the cows grazed in. In high summer there was a loop of longer grass the cows didn't touch directly above the tail drain
  19. new plan, start flushing your household waste, less weight to pay for at the tip and the thieves can earn their money. the amount of birds and baby rabbits that have taken a swin courtesy of the cat should make me square already.
  20. And I'm Shirley Temple. good at lollypop??
  21. 7 million a year allegedly , with a Mr anderson getting quite a whack ( not the matrix one ). not sure how reliable the number is, but it has been used.
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