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Everything posted by Rhumsaa

  1. pretty certain I saw The Thriller on the Ben on sunday
  2. At The Drive-In related user names should be encoiuraged

  3. saw mission hard at work out the back yesterday and Declan twice in one day on the 14th
  4. For a German.... he's alright

  5. did you not stop the cheque when you lost it?
  6. blast from the past mk 2 I saw Cream Horn down the street today and Thieawin chasing paper down the prom yesterday
  7. I always assumed you were female

  8. For a Ramsey lass she's all right :-)

  9. There was a row of MF-ites outside the Library in Douglas tonight - Furry Mongoose, Declan and KOS Theory
  10. The coolest guy I know who is named after a sexual act

  11. Rhumsaa

    Kings Of Metal...

    aren't Manowar still going? big in Japan anyways!
  12. so do I you're jesus I claim my donkey
  13. Oh yeah I forgot that I saw you but I did have my eyes mostly on the road so wasn't 100% sure No offence to your taken self but I am usually most disappointed by the quality of MILF's round town.... not exactly desperate housewives.... well... maybe the desperate part
  14. I was listening to him thinking what a tit - I should have guessed it was vader
  15. All you see driving round africa is old Mercs... they're like the duracell bunny in car form
  16. realistically a coach costs a tonne of cash and from ramsey you'd have... 5... maybe 10 at the very most?
  17. I don't think there are the numbers to warrant a dedicated event with transport et al I'd be more inclined to go to something like a drink and chat on a week night - the worst thing about the 1st birthday bash was the music in the lounge was turned up so loud all I could hear was the blood trickling out of my shattered ear drum... Having said all this I think with the exception of maybe Stav I've met everyone I want to meet off here and if the last one was anything to go by I sat and talked to Rock who.... I talk to most weeks anyway
  18. how do you know he's sweaty?
  19. call me cynical but you know that you will have maybe 10/15 people on here say yes and then on the night about 10 of them will drop out last minute xmas is especially bad as it's all family and about 5000 other things on people have committed to have a go and good on you for trying but I think it'll be a waste of your time
  20. in December? as much as I enjoy frostbite...
  21. if you got to top 10 most viewed pics though you will find girl89's prom photos 1 and 2 - I see the forum has a number of perverts!
  22. seems a bit extreme to sell your car just to get a look at hambaps
  23. Yeah I guess that's a problem when you're a bitter washed up geek
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