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About Alias

  • Birthday October 20

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  1. I've seen this too. Heads up to anyone thinking about giving it a go - don't watch the trailer; the one I saw was more like a highlights of all the good scenes in the film and spoilt it a little. Enjoyed the film though, good few laughs in it.
  2. Only for lack of confidence http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2011/05/19/team-america-meet-team-china-common-ground-on-somali-pirates/ China will step up its foreign intervention as it gains confidence in it's military power (as any big country does).
  3. I'll admit I know little about China, but are you that confident that China (or any other country) does not abuse 'human rights' merely because you have not had the displeasure of experiencing it first hand? You've stated how big a country China is, and I would view it as ignorant to say that the country does not have these problems, despite the evidence from many bodies to the contrary. Your statements just help ease the pressure on such governments, when things may not be as blissful down the road.
  4. Watched 'Unknown' tonight. I've not read the book, but the film was really good. Not quite as good as Taken, but gripping thriller nonetheless.
  5. Barrie - I'm calling shit. Why would the bank have any reason to 'seize' ships? It's the holding company in trouble, and if so the bank can just seize the still (decently) profitable SPCo as a going concern.
  6. A company said they didn't sack off the local staff to pay less, it was for other reasons? How odd.
  7. It works both ways, SP aren't at a complete disadvantage. For sure, there probably isn't much money in foot passengers - but vehicles I'm guessing are another story. Putting everything in containers straight for Mezeron is a disadvantage too, when they'd normally be just on the road network in the UK. The passenger facilities on the SP are primarily needed for vehicle drivers, commercial or non-commercial, and foot passengers are just a bonus on top of that. As a going concern, SP itself is still profitable (still even a decent profit, the pre-Mez profit was just bloated).
  8. Let's be honest - it's at the worst possible time for the public. How many ministers are going to allow a risky face-off with the steam packet right before an election?
  9. I thought the twist was a bit pants, it made the whole film untenable and stupid.
  10. Is that the cat woman?
  11. Nah, Clash of the Titans wasn't filmed for 3D. They 'adapted' it when they saw how successful Avatar is. That said, I wouldn't say 3D adds a lot to any film, but I wouldn't judge it based on what you saw.
  12. Watched Rec 2. Not quite as good as the first, more of a religious element and the french police have never played counter-strike, but still a quality watch.
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