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Rfid Chips!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember starting a topic about Tesco and RFID some time back.


Not something I really like the idea of at all, much like store loyalty cards.


I'm sure the technology does have its merits but it can be taken too far imo.


EDIT: Here's the original topic.

Thats nothing - we have them in our bins over here.... the plan eventually may be 'Pay for what you throw' and even now can be monitered, I also believe number plates will be fitted with them too at some point.


How ever the scary thing about this bins is this.... you buy your RFID tagged item from the shop - you been tracked then. What if you went in to another shop and they scanned what you bought ( not beyond the relmes of impossibilty here with loyaty cards etc ) and then started targeting you with their offers for simular items.


Further more if the packaging has the tags on and the bins do too its not a big leap forwards for the concil to moniter items that you throw away to point where your purchase / rubbish habits are monitered and may be even sold to 3rd parties to generate extra cash.... how ever this is where the data protection act may come in to force but could it be applied to rubbish and other items.


This is why RFID is good for company and large organiastions but because of the openess of the system bad for public libertys.



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