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Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

Miss Take

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Have been doing a bit of flicking though channels on a mildly Pinot Grigio affected Saturday night while the other half is out saving lives or sleeping or whatever and ended up watching part of the old 1981 series of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


I'm not going to go into the merits or deficits of the tv series versus the books or anything here.


I just want to say that I think that Simon Jones who plays Arthur is the spitting image of Jack Davenport (the shouty one from This Life, Coupling, Pirates of the Caribbean) even though he's definitely not related according to wiki and everything. They have the same mannerisms and everything, though Simon Jones isn't quite so shouty.


Of course, I'm not inferring anything here - I'm just commenting on how doppleganger-like they are.

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