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Effin Fireworks


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I am sick to death of hearing fireworks whizzing and banging now. This is the fourth night in a row now and I'm p*ssed off, bonfire night was last night! Someone nearby has got the biggest, loudest effin fireworks I've ever heard...........I'm gonna go find whoever it is and stick a bloody rocket up their arse :angry:


Just having a rant and a moan, sorry! :(

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Its nice to know I'm not the only one who's sick to death of hearing them. :angry:

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Hey, I agree Minnie.


I do not mind Guy Fawkes night but this last week I have been subjected to bangs going off up until 10pm at night. My cat is a nervous wreck.


It is those folk that have dogs I feel sorry for. Dogs seem to suffer more from the relentless noise.


Alex Downie MHK introduced a private members bill in the Keys over a year ago, to regulate the sale and letting off of fireworks and it still has not been passed. I do not know why.


And tonight it is hapening all over again. Bang bang bang.


The situation is getting out of hand and I personally think the sale of fireworks to the general public should be banned outright except for organisations doing public displays or may be people wanting to celebrate birthdays but having to get a permit to do so first.


And come Christmas and the New year we will be subject to it all again.


The way it is at the moment, anyone can go to shop that sells fireworks and buy enough of them and then make a bomb. So surely for security reasons the Manx Government should have taken action to address this matter long before now. And indeed the UK Government.

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Hmmm, you must be getting old.

You cheeky young scamp! :angry: I'm only 32, that's not old...........is it????


I'm gonna be one of those narky old women with whiskers on my chin who constantly mutters under my breath and if little Johnny from next door kicks his football into my garden I'm gonna take great pleasure in sticking a big sharp knife in it!


I literally nearly peed my pants before cos someone set off a real loud rocket which I think shot off the wrong way and whizzed right past my window, scared me to death.


See, Uni, lots of support.........I'm not the only grumpy, killjoy, "getting old" poster! :P

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It never works that way though does it? People can't always hold their display on the night in question so they delay it until a convenient date.


All it takes is for the person planning a night to go round the neighbourhood and knock on the doors of those that live nearby to let them know what their plans are. I wonder how many actually do though?


We're having a bash for my neice's 1st birthday towards the end of this month and part of that will be a fireworks display. I've asked my sister to do just that so that any of her neighbours that have pets can take the appropriate steps. A bit of commonsense and neighbourly behaviour doesn't take much effort really does it?

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It never works that way though does it? People can't always hold their display on the night in question so they delay it until a convenient date.


All it takes is for the person planning a night to go round the neighbourhood and knock on the doors of those that live nearby to let them know what their plans are. I wonder how many actually do though?


We're having a bash for my neice's 1st birthday towards the end of this month and part of that will be a fireworks display. I've asked my sister to do just that so that any of her neighbours that have pets can take the appropriate steps. A bit of commonsense and neighbourly behaviour doesn't take much effort really does it?


If only people were as responsible like your family is mission there would be no need for the regulations that Alex DownieMHK has called for in his bill.

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We're having a bash for my neice's 1st birthday towards the end of this month


I bet your neice will really appreciate all the noise, the poor child will probably cry her little heart out.

But as long as you adults enjoy yourselves that's ok. /me walks away :whistling:

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We're having a bash for my neice's 1st birthday towards the end of this month


I bet your neice will really appreciate all the noise, the poor child will probably cry her little heart out.

But as long as you adults enjoy yourselves that's ok. /me walks away :whistling:


She loves fireworks dude, we were all away on holiday in the summer and we got to see a weekly display one night and she was fascinated by them. Didn't cry or scream once either.

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I seriously don't believe you should be allowed to set off fireworks at any time other than bonfire night. By that I mean the general public having fireworks in their back garden, I'm not against organised displays held at other times of the year. Is there really any need to set them off on New Years Eve or for birthday parties? One of my neighbours even had fireworks on Halloween.


Yeah I know I'm a grumpy, bad tempered old cow! :D

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I seriously don't believe you should be allowed to set off fireworks at any time other than bonfire night.  By that I mean the general public having fireworks in their back garden, I'm not against organised displays held at other times of the year.  Is there really any need to set them off on New Years Eve or for birthday parties?  One of my neighbours even had fireworks on Halloween.


Yeah I know I'm a grumpy, bad tempered old cow!  :D


No I do not think you are grumpy old cow. The ones that are would want no fireworks at all.


Most sensible people, like mission, like to have a bash with some colourful splendour. I see no wrong in that. The odd night each year is acceptable even if the moggies and doggies are upset.


But where you are quite right is the continual disturbance night after night.

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Hi Minnie


Ring the Police with your complaint (I certainly would if it was disturbing my family).


At the end of the day, the Police are a department of the Isle of Man Government and they report back to the Minister of Home Affairs over these type of disturbances.


Remember that if enough people make enough noise then someone is bound to hear?!?!?!?!


If you do ring the Police, let us all know how you get on!


last Ten :)


Pardon the Pun regarding people making enough noise!!!!

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