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And On The 7th Day Gomh* Created...

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..."The Sunday Club".


Let's face it, Sunday's suck. So, every last Sunday of the month (at the mo anyway), The Lounge will be flinging it's doors open and welcoming in the hoi polloi for a Sunday afternoon session from 2pm til 8pm (ish and extendable !).


It's a DJ "Open House" so feel free to come down and play for a half hour whilst taking full advantage of the F*$E Shots, FREE Food and general ambience.


All we ask is that you keep yer tunage from chilled, laid back swag upto cool house grooves. Any driller killers will be sectioned and forced to watch constant re-runs of "The Good Life" whilst cleaning my lavish Apartment.


So there it is. You have NO excuse. Like NONE at all. Except Church. And maybe Kids. And paralysis...


...see you there. First session...SUNDAY 27th February...




Edited so as not to suggest that we are giving away Shots...*coughs*...

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  • 2 weeks later...

...next "Sunday Club" at The Lounge is Sunday (no, really !) 27th March.


From 2pm til you can't take no more. All are still welcome to bring some Tunes down (gotta be house-y please, it ain't a sleep-in) and there will be the same freebie handouts and one or two other little surprises ;) .


Get it in yer diaries, kids...



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