TheDruid-3X3 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Posted August 15, 2017 Awens to All: Here is the 3X3 Triad of Wisdom I wrote for 2010's Imbolc which is based on my having Worked as a Landscaper and is on what it takes to maintain Good Landscaping Practises. It Goes: : Good Landscaping Consists of: - Weeding - Trimming - And Fertilizing The Landscaping Client: - Must Be Respected - Listened To - And Their Concerns Addressed Landscaping Tools Must Be: - Freshly Oiled - Kept Sharpened - And Safely Stored --------------------------------------------------------------- Good Weeding: - Handpicking Should Be Used - Avoids Using Chemicals - And Prevents Invasive Plants From Spreading Types Of Trimming: - Tree Pruning - Lawn Edging - And Shaping Hedges When Fertilizing: - Use Nitrogen Potash Granules - Vermiculite - And then Composted Manure ---------------------------------------------------------------- When Gardening, Do Not: - Over Fertilize - Use Contaminated Earth - Or Use Foreign Plants Plants Must Be: - Watered - Monitored For Pests - And Loved What Also Must Be Respected: - The Landscape Supervisor's Instructions - Your Crewmate's Opinions - And Mother Earth The End TheDruid-3X3
TheDruid-3X3 Posted September 19, 2017 Author Posted September 19, 2017 Awens to All: In 2010, I came upon a Book called 'Path Of The Blue Raven' by Mark Townsend and it was a Very Profound Book that was full of Great Celtic Triads of Wisdom and Knowledge. It has so many Celtic Triads that I was able to Create many 3X3 Triads of Wisdom from that Book. Here is the one I wrote for 2010 Beltane: 2010 Beltane 3X3 Triad Of Wisdom Based on the Book: "The Path Of The Blue Raven" The Blue Raven Goddess: - Encourages, - Demonstrates, - And Offers Wisdom. Path Of The Blue Raven Does Not: - Attempts to Convert, - Influence, - And Argue An Opinion. The Three Beauties of the Forest: - Its Sights, - Sounds, - And Smells. -------------------------------------------- Sacred Rituals Should Show: - Love, - Compassion, - And Understanding. Spiritual Services Should Be: - Honest, - Meaningful, - And Relevant. Divine Beings Help Others Feel: - Valued, - Special, - And Loved. ---------------------------------------------- One Should Feel: - Free, - Alive, - And Unrestrained. What Is True For All Humanity: - Life, - Death, - And Rebirth. One Learns Druidistic: - Philosophies, - Faith, - And Practice. Here is my 2011 Imbolc 3X3 Triad of Wisdom Composition. This 3X3 Triad is a continuation of my 2010 Beltane 3X3 Triad of Wisdom which was dedicated to Mark Townsend's Book "Path Of The Blue Raven". His Book is so full of Good Triads of Wisdom that I was able to make two 3X3 Triads of Wisdoms from it. As my 2010 Beltane 3X3 Triad had Verses taken from Triadic Proses that I found in Mark Townsend's Book, my 2011 Imbolc 3X3 Triad also comprises Verses taken from his Book as well. It goes: The Blue Raven's Flight: - Transforms, - Discovers a New Stage of Life, - And Creates Spiritual Gold. The Greatest Druidistic Privileges: - Doing Baptisms, - Weddings, - And Funerals. The Three Constants of Nature: - Birthing, - Living, - And Dying. -------------------------------------------- One Should Strive To Grow: - Theologically, - Philosophically, - And Spiritually. Celtic Spirituality are: - Ancient, - Wise, - And Balanced Traditions. Druidry is an Exuberant Celebration of: - Nature's Currents, - Tides, - And Cycles. ---------------------------------------------- Places of Druidistic Enchantment: - Shrines, - Temples, - And Holy Sites. Good Spiritualities: - Gather, - Value, - And Help Broken Souls. The Quest for Enchantment should be: - Honest, - Human, - And Realistic. My 2012 Beltane 3X3 Triad of Wisdom is another one that is composed of Good Triads taken from Mark Townsend's Book: Path of the Blue Raven. It goes: The Spirit Of The Blue Raven: - Enchants, - Inspires, - And Brings One Close. Forced Proselytizing Attracts: - Screwed Up, - Broken, - And Battered Converts. The Quest For Enchantment Should Be: - Honest, - Human, - And Realistic. ---------------------------------------------- Rich Terrains Of Tradition Are: - More Native, - Druidistic, - And Earth Based Spiritualities. Corrupt Human Failings: - Create IMbalances, - Disorder, - And Disharmony. Humanity Needs A Sense Of: - Wonder, - Mystery, - And Enchantment. ----------------------------------------------- One Should Explore All: - Questions, - Problems, - And Topics Under The Sun. What ARe Within Our Consciousnesses: - Deeper, - Wiser, - And Mature Voices. Druidistic Deities Are: - Happier, - Loving, - And Caring. 3X3
Albert Tatlock Posted September 19, 2017 Posted September 19, 2017 Your Manx connections are showing up there. You've been on the Druidale again haven't you.
TheDruid-3X3 Posted October 16, 2017 Author Posted October 16, 2017 In 2010 I went on a Meditative Retreat with my Druidism, I had made Meditation as the subject for my 2010 Lughnasad 3X3 Triad of Wisdom Composition. It goes: 3X3 Triad of Wisdom on "Meditation" - ONe Meditates Through: - Chantings, - The Breath, - And the Feet. When on a Meditative Retreat: - Have No TV, - Remove All Peer Pressures, - And Enjoy Nature. One Can Meditate: - While Working, - In Water, - And at Home. ------------------------------------------------------- Natural Meditative Chants: - Sounds of Birds Singing, - The Babbling of a Brook, - And the Wind Rustling through the Trees. Breath Mediation: - Takes Patience, - Time, - And Correct Practise. One Does Meditation through the Feet: - When Walking, - Sitting, - Or Standing. ------------------------------------------------------- Aquatic Meditations: - Sooths, - Cleanses, - And Refreshes. Meditation Helps To Investigate: - The Natures of Reality, - Truth, - And of Goodness. Meditation Increases: - Alertness, - Awareness, - And the Ability to Sustain Attention. 3X3
quilp Posted October 16, 2017 Posted October 16, 2017 There was a young fellow from Gosham, Who took out his bollocks to wash 'em His wife said, "Now Jack! " "If you don't put them back, I'll stamp on the buggers and squash 'em!"
TheDruid-3X3 Posted October 31, 2017 Author Posted October 31, 2017 Awens to All: I have made my 2017 Samhain 3X3 Triad of Wisdom on the Subject of when it is Good To Lie as Some Lies can be meant for doing Good Things. It goes: So when is it Ok to Lie?: - To Protect Employment, - To Satisfy A Bureaucrat, - And To Prevent Hurting Someones Feelings. Good Lies Cause: - Happiness, - Contentment, - And Feelings Of Security. Bad Lies: - Create Financial Hardships, - Cause Dishonour, - And Destroy Relationships. ----------------------------------------------------------- Good Employment Lies: - When Needing A Day Off, - When Not Quite Finished A Job, - And When Dealing With An Abusive Supervisor. Types Of Bureaucrats From Who Truth Should Be Hidden: - Internal Revenue Agents, - Insurance Agents, - And Building Permit Agents. One Should Lie When Someone: - Is Ugly, - Their Cooking Is Bad, - And They Fail Despite Their Best Efforts. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ugliness That Can Be Lied About: - Looks, - Clothing, - And Attitudes. Cooking Failures: - When Things Get Burnt, - Over Spiced, - And Wrong Ingredients Are Used. Employment Days Off Are Sometimes Required: - To Get Personal Chores Done, - Avoid Unwanted Work Problems, - And To Secretly Look For A New Job. 3X3
Albert Tatlock Posted October 31, 2017 Posted October 31, 2017 7 hours ago, TheDruid-3X3 said: Awens to All: I have made my 2017 Samhain 3X3 Triad of Wisdom on the Subject of when it is Good To Lie as Some Lies can be meant for doing Good Things. It goes: So when is it Ok to Lie?: - 3X3 What a great poem. And it's stop asking.
the stinking enigma Posted October 31, 2017 Posted October 31, 2017 I think your cooking is fantastic druid, not only that but it's rare to see that level of cooking finesse achieved by someone as good looking as yourself.
TheDruid-3X3 Posted November 5, 2017 Author Posted November 5, 2017 I try to make my Cooking look good but as far as its Taste - You'll have to take my Word for it. 3X3
TheDruid-3X3 Posted November 16, 2017 Author Posted November 16, 2017 For my 2010 Samhain 3X3 Triad of Wisdom, I took the one that I wrote last December about the things that I Hate and changed it to say what things that are Wise to Hate. I made it my 2010 Samhain 3X3 Triad of Wisdom as it is during Samhain that all the Dark Issues of Life are Addressed as well as Commemorated. So here is my 2010 Samhain 3X3 Triad of Wisdom Composition: 2010 Samhain 3X3 Triad Of Wisdom on "What Is Wise To Hate": It Is Wise To Hate: - Intolerance, - Hypocracy, - And Dogmatic Attitudes. It Is Wise To Hate: - Egotism, - Vanity, - And Greed. It Is Wise To Hate: - Lying, - Cheating, - And Stealing. ------------------------------------------------- It Is Wise To Hate: - Litter, - Pollution, - And Smog. It Is Wise To Hate: - Fighting, - Arguing, - And Disagreeing. It Is Wise To Hate: - Extinctions, - Kulling, - And Enslaving. ----------------------------------------------------------- It Is Wise To Hate: - War, - Genocides, - And Ethnic Cleansing. It Is Wise To Hate: - Social Intrique, - Back Stabbing, - And Rumor Mongering. It Is Wise To Hate: - Raping, - Killing, - And Torturing. 3X3
the stinking enigma Posted November 16, 2017 Posted November 16, 2017 it's not wise to hate anything druid. hate is a very negative emotion that destroys your soul. other than that, not a bad poem
TheDruid-3X3 Posted January 13, 2018 Author Posted January 13, 2018 Awens to All: In 2010, I bought a Book on Druidistic Philosophy by a High Arch Druid Priestess named Emma 'Bobcat' Restall-Orr titled 'Living With Honour - A Pagan Ethics' from which I was able to write several 3X3 Triads of Wisdoms from it. It is my 2011 Lughnasad Triad of Wisdom and it started with the Triad of Wisdom that Bobcat uses throughout the Book she wrote called 'Living With Honour' which goes: 'One Must be Loyal, Courageous, and Generous', so I came up with Eight Other Things that require Loyalty, Courageousness, and Generosity and made it into my 2011 Lughnasad Triad of Wisdom. It Goes: 2011 Lughnsasad Of Wisdom On Bobcat's Book 'Living With Honour': *Living With Honour Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Peace Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Love Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Living With Tranquility Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Harmony Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Respect Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Living With Wisdom Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Acceptance Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Living With Others: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. * - Denotes Bobcat's Original Triad. Here is my 2012 Lughnasad 3X3 Triad of Wisdom and it is dedicated to Bobcat's Book 'Living With Honour'. The First Triad of this one is the one that Bobcat uses a lot throughout the Book, so it has a Asterix in front of it. So here it is and it is called "Bobcat Honour Triads". It goes: *Living With Honour Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. When One Is Honourable: - One Is Respected, - Trusted, - And Fondly Remembered. Honour Is Lost When One: - Takes Others For Granted, - Takes Advantage Of Others, - And Does Not Keep Promises. --------------------------------------------------- One Should Be Loyal To: - Friends, - Family, - And To the Community. It Takes Courage: - To Be Truthfull, - To Have Good Principle, - And To Oppose Evil. One Should Be Generous With Ones: - Help, - Sympathy, - And Forgiveness. --------------------------------------------------- There Is No Such Thing As Fairness In: - Nature, - Employment Standards, - And Personal Relationships. Types Of Trusts: - Financial Trusts, - Private Trusts, - And Professional Trusts. When A Promise Is Broken: - Feelings Are Hurt, - Faith Is Lost, - And Friendships Are Strained. Here is my 2013 Beltane 3X3 Triad of Wisdom. This 3X3 Triad Poem is the Third to Honour Emma (Bobcat) Restall-0rr's Book "Living With Honour - A Pagan Ethics". As with the Two Other 3X3 Triad Poems I have written in Praise of this Book, it starts out with Emma's Favorite Anchgor Triad that appears several time throughout the Book and then continues with Rewritten Triads based on Triads of Wisdom that I have found in the Book. This 3X3 Triad on Living With Honour goes: Living With Honour Takes: - Loyalty, - Courage, - And Generosity. Unethicial Relationships: - Alleviates Fear Of Loss, - Rejection, - And Isolation. A Child's First Desires Are For: - Attentive Caring, - Recognition, - And Love. -------------------------------------------------------------- Within Our Tribes: - We Share Interests, - Hobbies, - And Pastimes. A Pagans Focus Of Living: - Is This Planet, - Its Environment, - And Its Ecologies. Universal Cultural Values: - Are For Justice, - Integrity, - And Compassion. --------------------------------------------------------------- Community Morality Is Filled With: - Contradictions, - Inconsistencies, - And Hypocrisies. Love With Trust Creates: - Growth, - Joy, - And Learning. It Is Easy To Be: - Physically, - Intellectually, - And Spiritually Lazy. 3X3
TheDruid-3X3 Posted February 2, 2018 Author Posted February 2, 2018 Awens to All: For this years Imbolc 3X3 Triad Poem, I have chosen a subject that I have wanting to get done for a long time. It is based on the one of the main reasons I do not like Valentines Day much as I have had a lot of diappointments on that Day but not so much more as when I was let down by a Girl in 2011 when I gave her a Valentine on that years Valentine's Day and then spent the whole year trying to pursue a Relationship with her only to have her take up with some other guy only because he was into getting her a certain Narcotic that I wish to have nothing to do with. Most of this 3X3 Triad Poem is Happy and Positive but the last 3 Verses cronicals how I ended up Disappointed only because I was not into doing a certain Narcotic. I have mainly decided to write this 3X3 Triad Poem in order to vent my Frustrations of how Disappointed I was with this particular Girl. It starts out with the Romantic Triad that I wrote into her 2011 Valentines Card and goes from there. It Goes: 2017 Imbolc Triad On How I Love And Lost - I Loved: - Her, - Her Family, - And Her Garden. Her Bar Service Was Always: - Courteous, - Cordual, - And Charismatic. She Was: - A Lovely, - Spunky, - And Nicely Figured Brunette. ------------------------------------------------------ I Was Infatuated With Her: - Flurtations, - Bubbly Wit, - And Sweet Smile. Her Family Included: - An Sweet Elderly Mother, - Athletic Daughters, - And A Cut Little Dog. I Enjoyed Working On Her Garden: - Pulling Weeds, - Trimming Hedges, - And Cutting Grass. ------------------------------------------------------ Then She: - Took Up With Another Guy, - Found A New Gardener For Her Garden, - And Promoted The Use Of Narcotics. I Then Lost: - Trust, - Faith, - And Respect In Her. Since Then: - I Have Remained Single, - Alone, - And Disappointed. Dave TheDruid-3X3
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