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A World With Out Money


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All that would happen is that it would provide the perfect excuse to abolish cash. They've wanted to do this for years anyway. No more black economy. Money will continue as a number on your computer and the big cheese will just have a bigger number than yours and more women!

Ooh tis 'citin' all this book of revelation stuff.
John of Patmos was a smart cookie.


IBM already bar coded victims of the Holocaust. Those bar codes were not just random numbers; they were part of an elaborate computer database to estimate how long to use people as slave labour before killing them. It's only a matter of time before they implant microchips in us all like cattle and have all our info hooked up to their system. As robotic technology progresses, some of the outlandish descriptions of weird monsters described in the Book of Revelation don't really seem that far-fetched.

Ah, but is this merely life imitating art....or is it.....art imitating life?


Probably both. The Book of Revelation is largely a critique of the Roman Empire. Most of it describes events which happened in the past.

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The BoE, like most central banks in the world, are pivately owned.


A little clarification. The BoE is owned by the Treasury Solicitor's Department on behalf of the government.

a wikipedia reference like this is fascinating and informative but it is not a share register which would be convincing evidence.


Why would a mainstream politician like Nigel Farage wish to nationalise something that was already owned by the government, if it was owned by the government?


Why are questions about BoE ownership banned in the Houses of Parliament?


Surely nominees are used when you wish to protect the real beneficial owners?

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UK Parliament will hold a three hour debate on the issue of 'Money Creation and Society' on Thursday 20th November [2014!].









This will be the first time in 170 years that Parliament has debated money creation.


The Money Creation and Society debate is being hosted by Steve Baker (Conservative), Caroline Lucas (Green), Michael Meacher (Labour), Douglas Carswell (UKIP), and David Davis (Conservative).


The ones named are fairly heavy hitters but such debates are usually, er, exploratory only.



-- this most surely trumps the disquiet being voiced here over the reduction in IoM Govt financial reserves:



There again, maybe the potential relevance of the discussion will not be lost on IoM Gov., absent improvement.


Farage has indicated UK immigration presents an accumulated net loss of £100Billion.


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There is already a world without money -- the next world. We will all be going there one day and here's a heads up: you won't be able to take any material possessions with you. Just whatever is inside of you, if anything is left after a lifetime of selling your soul to accumulate transitory wealth like money. The only true and lasting wealth is love, kindness, charity, respect, honour, and good deeds for one's fellow beings.


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The poor are already living in a world without money and there will be a great many more of them by the end of the decade. For the last sixty years, the rich were content with targeting only the people at the very bottom, but now the middle class are in their cross-hairs. They won't be happy until they've destroyed the middle class so they can bring back the good old days of their great-great granddaddy, Ebenezer Scrooge, when there were only the haves and the have nots. That's what austerity and privatisation are really all about.

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There is already a world without money -- the next world. We will all be going there one day and here's a heads up: you won't be able to take any material possessions with you. Just whatever is inside of you, if anything is left after a lifetime of selling your soul to accumulate transitory wealth like money. The only true and lasting wealth is love, kindness, charity, respect, honour, and good deeds for one's fellow beings.


Aye, as the good book says "it easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven"


On the plus side, that's Cliff Richard fucked

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There is already a world without money -- the next world. We will all be going there one day and here's a heads up: you won't be able to take any material possessions with you. Just whatever is inside of you, if anything is left after a lifetime of selling your soul to accumulate transitory wealth like money. The only true and lasting wealth is love, kindness, charity, respect, honour, and good deeds for one's fellow beings.


Does that mean that if I stuff my every orifice with film-wrapped high-grade heroin, duty-free fags, and porn mags prior to my death I can take them into heaven and make a few quid selling them to the heavenly host, or exchange them for sexual favours with angels, arch-angels, and cherubim?

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Does that mean that if I stuff my every orifice with film-wrapped high-grade heroin, duty-free fags, and porn mags prior to my death I can take them into heaven and make a few quid selling them to the heavenly host, or exchange them for sexual favours with angels, arch-angels, and cherubim?



No, but you get a cookie from Jesus for knowing cherubim is a plural.

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There is already a world without money -- the next world. We will all be going there one day and here's a heads up: you won't be able to take any material possessions with you. Just whatever is inside of you, if anything is left after a lifetime of selling your soul to accumulate transitory wealth like money. The only true and lasting wealth is love, kindness, charity, respect, honour, and good deeds for one's fellow beings.


Does that mean that if I stuff my every orifice with film-wrapped high-grade heroin, duty-free fags, and porn mags prior to my death I can take them into heaven and make a few quid selling them to the heavenly host, or exchange them for sexual favours with angels, arch-angels, and cherubim?


Best of British with that one next time through customs


" I thought I was dead and wanted to shag an archangel so that is why......occifer" w00t.gif

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UK Parliament will hold a three hour debate on the issue of 'Money Creation and Society' on Thursday 20th November [2014!].










This will be the first time in 170 years that Parliament has debated money creation.


The Money Creation and Society debate is being hosted by Steve Baker (Conservative), Caroline Lucas (Green), Michael Meacher (Labour), Douglas Carswell (UKIP), and David Davis (Conservative).



The ones named are fairly heavy hitters but such debates are usually, er, exploratory only.



-- this most surely trumps the disquiet being voiced here over the reduction in IoM Govt financial reserves:



There again, maybe the potential relevance of the discussion will not be lost on IoM Gov., absent improvement.


Farage has indicated UK immigration presents an accumulated net loss of £100Billion.


Nice one thumbsup.gif

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