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Going To Treat The Wife To A Dog As A Surprise ...


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Definitely research the breed you end up choosing. And think about getting a hoover with a Hepa (sp?) filter if the dog has a regular/heavy moulting coat.


If it is your first dog I would definately suggest a smaller dog, although smaller dogs can be prove to be the more willful.


As others have posted, pet insurance is a most (and should be a legal requirement like car insurance in my opinion), also look into dog training sessions.

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The main thing here as others as said is COMMITMENT

One thing no one has mentioned is dogs live a long time and you need commitment for many years

its not fair on the dog to take one on then dump it at a rescue centre because it does not fit in any more I lost my dog last year after 14 years although I miss him I won't get another they are tieing you can't go away on weekends or holidays unless you take it with you or put the dog in kennels which cost the earth or get some one to look after it, and you have to be there for it, take the dog on walks even on dark cold wet winter mornings, and evenings, total commitment you have to be sure you really want to take on a dog, but if you do it will become part of your family

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The main thing here as others as said is COMMITMENT

One thing no one has mentioned is dogs live a long time and you need commitment for many years

its not fair on the dog to take one on then dump it at a rescue centre because it does not fit in any more I lost my dog last year after 14 years although I miss him I won't get another they are tieing you can't go away on weekends or holidays unless you take it with you or put the dog in kennels which cost the earth or get some one to look after it, and you have to be there for it, take the dog on walks even on dark cold wet winter mornings, and evenings, total commitment you have to be sure you really want to take on a dog, but if you do it will become part of your family


I always though a dog was just for Christmas. It certainly used to be...

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Yoda, man, you are right to check it out with her first. I just remembered when my wonderful ex bought minibee a dog (without asking me) the thing lasted 3 weeks before I gave it to my friend - it ate the carpets, it pee'd everywhere, it stank, oh no, dogs, yeauck. Maybe when I'm 60 or something.

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The main thing here as others as said is COMMITMENT

One thing no one has mentioned is dogs live a long time and you need commitment for many years

its not fair on the dog to take one on then dump it at a rescue centre because it does not fit in any more I lost my dog last year after 14 years although I miss him I won't get another they are tieing you can't go away on weekends or holidays unless you take it with you or put the dog in kennels which cost the earth or get some one to look after it, and you have to be there for it, take the dog on walks even on dark cold wet winter mornings, and evenings, total commitment you have to be sure you really want to take on a dog, but if you do it will become part of your family


I always though a dog was just for Christmas. It certainly used to be...


NO NO your confusing it with turkey

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I like other people's dogs but would not be best pleased if someone landed me with a commitment to pick up turds, mop up puke and get up early for a long time! If you get one, don't spoil it rotten. Be the alpha male and make sure the dog knows that you and the missus are in charge otherwise it might end up nibbling someone's kids.

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