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Day "z" - Arma2 Mod - Walking Dead The Videogame?!

K.os Theory

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Just wondering if anyone has tried this mod for Arma 2, basically it's a zombie apocalypse mod, but rather than go the left4dead route this is a more hardcore experience.


"Welcome to Chernarus. A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive."




here are some gameplay vids :




definately not everyone's cup of tea, but the atmosphere of it looks fantastic...

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Have you managed to get on previously? If you've always had this error, exit steam, right click -> start as admin, then right click on Arma2 OA and hit "Reinstall battle-eye".


Had a good few long sessions in the last couple of weeks, great game, especially with some friends. Putting it to one side for now though as I don't want to burn myself out on it before all the features are in. Also Diablo 3 is out.

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hi heliX,


nope i've not been able to get on once, I've unstalled and reinstalled BattlEye numerous times. i've even gone as far as to uninstall both Arma and OA from my steam library and reinstall them again...still no joy.


I hear that they are integrating the mod fully into the game in an upcoming expansion so fingers crossed that may fix the issue...really dying to have a go as the reports really do make it sound like the zombie game i've been waiting for.


for now D3 is taking up my time...

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You should definitely try running Steam as admin, BattleEye seems to have issues with installing itself properly if you haven't started Steam by right clicking on the exe and choosing "Run as Administrator". Fixed the problem for me when I had it.

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  • 1 month later...

finally managed to get onto the game, the Battleye problem was a router issue ( I had to change from VC to LLC in my ADSL settings?? )...


My first impressions are that it's incredibly tense, when I first spawned I was on the coast and there were a few zeds ( zombies ) shambling/hopping around...not knowing any better I stood up and ran....bad move, I'd instantly aggro'd the 3 zeds onto me and so began the chase. sprinting down the road i started aggro-ing more and more zeds until there were about 20 following me.


Not knowing where I was going, I ran towards the nearest town ( turned out to be Cherno ), leading my herd through the most densely populated part of the map...luckily a bandit must have taken pity on me, because about 150 yards into the town i was killed by a sniper.


Spent a good few hours after that just picking up on the different aspects of the game, even managed to hook up with a random for 20 or so minutes.


they've just patched the game ( 1.7.1 ) so that now when you spawn you don't have a pistol, ammo, food or water! you just start with painkillers, a bandage and a torch! the zeds now seem to spawn incredibly quickly, their numbers have increased massively and they seem to be able to spot you from miles away!


trying to get a few friends to get onto it, I really do think this is a game where working as a team will yield big survival rewards.


if you're still sitting on the fence about this, seriously give it a go...it's a totally unique free-form experience and I for one can't wait to get back there!

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Just wondering if anyone here who is still playing wants to group up? Since update the game is loads of fun...yes there are still the occasional random "aggro'd zombie" but all in all i'm having a blast.


Spent a good few hours with a friend of mine exploring the map, ended up finding a crashed helicopter ( yielding some rather tasty loot ), found and explored a couple of castles and ended up in a pitched battle at the airfield ( with both of us dead and 3 of the 4 opponents also dead )!


the game is tough, and it is buggy, but as gaming experiences go it's in a league of its own!


We'll be on tonite from about 6pm...we use Skype to communicate ( until my TS server is up and running again ), but feel free to hit me up on Steam if you fancy an excursion ( steam id is kymholland ), we're not too serious about our play but our aim is to stay alive for as long as possible!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New patch was released yesterday, I've not had a chance to try yet as myself and my friend were in mourning over his 12day old character being taken down by a bandit...

Luckily I managed to escape and have made my way back to Cherno to meet up with my friend who is now trying to some decent gear again.

Still open to group up with some other peeps so if you fancy it, give me a shout!

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  • 3 months later...

Been playing a bit again recently. Unfortunately bumped into a few hackers, even on lower-population servers.


First time I wasn't paying enough attention. Was up at the NW Airfield with my buddy, and suddenly we saw a guy in a ghillie. Emptied 2 mags into him, nothing. He shot us both in the legs and let zombies eat us.


Second time I was paying attention. The guy teleported right next to me and started aiming towards me. I alt-f4'd before he could shoot. I hate alt-f4'ing but like hell am I losing my gear again to some script kiddie.


And then later on at NW Airfield a guy ran past me, oblivious. Shot him twice, he alt-f4's. Sigh.


I can't wait for standalone where hopefully these issues will mostly disappear.

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I've not played now for a few months, the hackers and alt-f4's were just getting too much...


I really do hope they manage to get it sorted out, honestly it's provided me with some of the most tense gaming experiences ever.


Have you had a look at War Z that is going into closed beta at the end of this month, a very similar premise to Day Z but with slightly better graphics.




I've signed up for the beta, and am interested to see how this plays out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not looked into WarZ. Been getting back into DayZ on private hive servers with active admins. Picked up some vehicles and gear just recently, so much easier with transport.


On public hive myself and a friend both found M24s (the luck!) albeit on two different servers. One in a car that was abandoned in some trees, and one in a tent at Stary. We're now offline just outside NW Airfield ready to do some hunting...

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  • 4 weeks later...


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