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I am quite a zelda fan and for anyone else out there who is I can highly recommend Skyward sword, know its over a year old now but I bought it from GAME about 3 weeks ago and it is brilliant. I gave up on twilight princess for the wii because it was a nightmare and paid out a hefty amount for the gamecube version which is also brilliant. The controls are a lot better than twilight princess and the storyline although very very different is good. Still not a scratch on Ocarina of time but i'd put it ahead of majoras mask and twilight princess.


Just thought i'd persuade any of you out there that aren't sure that its worth the 25 quid price tag.


Best Zelda game was Legend of Zelda on the Snes


Ocarina of Time was good also.


It's the only Zelda I haven't played because I couldn't bare to finish twilight princess. Not sure I can be arsed to wire up the wii for it though :)


I have to say was oot for me being born in the 80s makes me a 90s kid, snes was a bit early for me. skyward sword is worth wirng up the wii. not as cack handed as twilight princess. its worth buying the gamecube version of twilight princess playing and selling but last time i checked was about 40 quid, managed to get my copy for 30 with no case about 2 years ago. wouldnt ever part with it though :-)


Mario 64, Goldeneye, Ocarina of time and Super Smash Bros are those games that set off all this stuff were seeing now and just can't be beaten, its good to pick up older games like that and get back into them and the Skyward sword sort of does that while being new. I'm sure you all know what I mean about them sort of games. The new games just arent the same. Metal gear solid is a slash and dash now, COD and Battlefield evolved from Goldeneye (the reloaded remake was atrocious!), Prince of persia is similar to zelda but they all seem to have lost the WOW factor the older games had.


I have to say was oot for me being born in the 80s makes me a 90s kid, snes was a bit early for me. skyward sword is worth wirng up the wii. not as cack handed as twilight princess. its worth buying the gamecube version of twilight princess playing and selling but last time i checked was about 40 quid, managed to get my copy for 30 with no case about 2 years ago. wouldnt ever part with it though :-)


Link to the past still holds up, and is without doubt the best zelda, play it on an emulator or something. Isn't there a version of it on the wii too?


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