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So.....failstation4 Announced


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Having owned pretty much every console since the NES, I find the the failstation 3, the least worth the money they're charging for it.


I find it difficult to take you seriously when you keep refering to the system as a "failstation 3" to be honest.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but it is clear that you are looking for an argument or some such with such ill informed rubbish. Anyways, one thing that we can agree on, Wipeout FTW!

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Having owned pretty much every console since the NES, I find the the failstation 3, the least worth the money they're charging for it.


I find it difficult to take you seriously when you keep refering to the system as a "failstation 3" to be honest.

I'd respond to the rest of your post but it is clear that you are looking for an argument or some such with such ill informed rubbish. Anyways, one thing that we can agree on, Wipeout FTW!


Why shouldn't I call it a failstation 3? In comparison to the success that was the PS2, the FS3 was just a Blu-Ray player with a crap console bolted onto it.


I'm not looking for an arguement, it was a statement of my opinion on the console and its prospects (or lack there of).

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I'd respond to the rest of your post but it is clear that you are looking for an argument or some such with such ill informed rubbish. Anyways, one thing that we can agree on, Wipeout FTW!


Games that come out months (if not years) after Xbox release,


Oblivion: Xbox - (EU) March 24, 2006 PS3 - (EU) April 27, 2007

BioShock: Xbox - (EU) August 24, 2007 PS3 - (EU) October 17, 2008

Mass Effect : Xbox - (EU) November 23, 2007 PS3 - (EU) December 7, 2012


Just three examples of the top of my head (including a five year wait for the first part in one of the greatest video game sagas in history)


a shit online network (when its not offline)


PSN is plagued by network drops and lack luster security that has been breached in several high profile (and costly) instances.


Not to mention the game franchises that went multi platform


Grand Theft Auto

Final Fantasy

Metal Gear Solid

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a shit online network (when its not offline)


PSN is plagued by network drops and lack luster security that has been breached in several high profile (and costly) instances.


Yeah because the pay monthly Xbox Live network has never been down or has never been hacked with users losing and average of £100 from their accounts. Ever.

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Honestly I've never had an issue with the connection on Xbox Live, nor have I had any money taken from my account either..... Just wish M$ would hurry up and announce the next gen console (and Sony for that matter), I still don't know which one I'm going to be going for yet, the feel of the controller will have a heavy bearing on my choice though I'd imagine.

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a shit online network (when its not offline)


PSN is plagued by network drops and lack luster security that has been breached in several high profile (and costly) instances.


Yeah because the pay monthly Xbox Live network has never been down or has never been hacked with users losing and average of £100 from their accounts. Ever.


Not to the extent that PSN has. For the bried peroid of time I owned a FS3, I was disgusted at the amount of time that the PSN was offline or had bad connections. As a consumer I would much rather pay a small amount, and have a reliable and stable gaming network, than have a free but useless service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things could be the opposite of whats currently happened. Ps4 could be the better machine this time, as the XBox 360 was clearly a more powerful gaming machine than the PS3







Mmmmmm that seems like a balanced and fair review....I especially enjoyed the PS3 fanboys giving each other a collective gang-wank in the comments...

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The ps4 announcement made me go oooo interesting to ..hmm meh in about 2 minutes but now I am back to thinking might be good.

I spend zero amount of my gaming time on my ps3 and its all on the 360. But what worries me about the 720 announcement is are they going to be going on and on about kinect this kinect that. I've got a kinect and never use it, its a wii style thing ie good for not very long. I just hope the 720 isn't all based around kinect and has something properly decent to it. As the gaikai stuff on ps4 (if it works well) could be the big game changer

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