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So.....failstation4 Announced


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Wow with this Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU...we could almost confuse it for a.....PC (with a Sony badge on it)


What, like an Xbox then?


A console is just a fixed hardware baseline. Doesn't matter if it's like a pc or something else, the developer has a fixed platform to to deliver to which makes it simple for the punter.

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Wow with this Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU...we could almost confuse it for a.....PC (with a Sony badge on it)


What, like an Xbox then?


A console is just a fixed hardware baseline. Doesn't matter if it's like a pc or something else, the developer has a fixed platform to to deliver to which makes it simple for the punter.


Exactly like an Xbox. Except Sony are making out like its a box full of magic and powered by little magical goblins.

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But on the bright side, the controller has a little screen build into it...


Touchpad, not a screen. Bit of a poor launch in honesty, seems it was all put together just to show off some graphics and new controller.... I want to know what the console's going to look like dammit!

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But on the bright side, the controller has a little screen build into it...


Touchpad, not a screen. Bit of a poor launch in honesty, seems it was all put together just to show off some graphics and new controller.... I want to know what the console's going to look like dammit!


Who cares, if thats the uber unique selling point of the PS4 its doomed to fail. The PS3 had the Blu-ray drive (which at the time was one of the cheapest ways to get one), but if this crap controller is the USP for the PS4....yeah I'll give it a miss.

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GPU looks surprisingly decent, although the CPU could well be the letdown. AMD jaguar, basically a low power 1.6Ghz octo core CPU (and we know how awful the AMD 8 core CPUs are!!)


8GB RAM for the entire system...may be pushing it but still, the CPU should be leaps and bounds ahead of the abomination that was the Cell.


Things could be the opposite of whats currently happened. Ps4 could be the better machine this time, as the XBox 360 was clearly a more powerful gaming machine than the PS3


Whatever happens, its great news for pc gamers like myself. We've been stuck with shitty ports of games from these 2004 consoles for so long now, we need this new gen to allow pc games to start using their superior hardware and really push the envelope

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Wow with this Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU...we could almost confuse it for a.....PC (with a Sony badge on it)


But on the bright side, the controller has a little screen build into it...


It's a semi custom AMD APU, and the "little screen" is actually a touchpad. I shouldn't have bitten when I saw "failstation" (2006 called, they want their terminology back) in the title thread, but I just couldn't help myself sad.png

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Wow with this Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU...we could almost confuse it for a.....PC (with a Sony badge on it)


But on the bright side, the controller has a little screen build into it...


It's a semi custom AMD APU, and the "little screen" is actually a touchpad. I shouldn't have bitten when I saw "failstation" (2006 called, they want their terminology back) in the title thread, but I just couldn't help myself sad.png


If the terms fits, I don't see any point in using a new one....

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Are you an Xbox fanboy? Or just trolling? Honest question.


Having owned pretty much every console since the NES, I find the the failstation 3, the least worth the money they're charging for it.


Games that come out months (if not years) after Xbox release, a shit online network (when its not offline) and a controller that was designed for a toddler. Not to mention the game franchises that went multi platform (possibly to escape being tied to such a naff console


Yes, I prefer the Xbox over the PS3, but then I prefer the PC over the pair of them. Now I loved the Playstation and Playstation 2 and many of the games that were out for them (Wipeout FTW!!!!!)


Lets face it, even the USP of the Blu-ray player is now defunct, seeing as you can buy a BR player for less than the cost of a PS3 game.

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