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The Last Of Us


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Uncharted 2 was my last ps3 purchase but this has been pre-ordered.

A lot of reputable journos saying this is the "game of this generation" so in my opinion its not one to be missed even though I don't normally like zombie crap.

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Several people have complained about this and it just happened to me, just lost 2 hours of progress.

Sometimes the autosave stops working. There's a way to tell if it's happening.

Press start, you will bring up the menu. If it says "less than X minutes" ago you're fine. If it's stuck on "autosaving, please wait" you're screwed and have to exit the game. It wont let you exit to the menu and if you try to exit with the PS button it will probably turn off your console but it's the only way.


One way around it:


If you load a new game or start a new game, it asks you whether to overwrite something or not. At that point, press o or click no. The game will warn you that autosaving will be disabled.


Then you'll need to manually save


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I'm 2-3hrs into this and am still on the fence, there are some really nice details but I certainly haven't been blown away by it so far.

I much preferred playing the likes of Tomb Raider or Dead Space but hopefully the game will pick up a little and I'll get used to the odd button layout and control scheme.

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I'm 2-3hrs into this and am still on the fence, there are some really nice details but I certainly haven't been blown away by it so far.

I much preferred playing the likes of Tomb Raider or Dead Space but hopefully the game will pick up a little and I'll get used to the odd button layout and control scheme.

I'm about 2 hours in, loving it. Best intro ever?


The level of detail in the world is flipping amazeballs.

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Not sure how many hours I am in. Possibly 4-5? but this is easily the best storyline in any game I have ever played.

It is also the best put together I have ever seen.

I normally hate zombie games but it is brilliant but f me I hate those clickers.. grrr

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Definitely getting into if now, the game really picked up for me around the 50% mark.

I originally thought the controls were a little clunky but now love how having to take things out of your backpack and managing your to hand weapons adds to the suspense, the button layout still feels a little odd but I've gotten used to them now.

I'm currently at about 70% and there have been some great moments and even a part which gave me chills, for me there isn't anything amazing about the gameplay but the story really has me hooked (like an interactive TV series) I can't wait to play on and see what happens next.

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