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Playstation Plus


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Anyone else using it?

I only found out about it recently (where was the marketing for it?!) but am amazed at how good it is.

Since getting it last month I have got the following for free.


Uncharted 3 - Ps3

Xcom - Ps3

Uncharted golden abyss - Vita

Raymans origins - vita

Gravity rush - vita

DOA5 - Ps3

Motorstorm Apocalypse - Ps3


and next month Battlefield 3 and Saints row the third is free!




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Anyone else using it?

I only found out about it recently (where was the marketing for it?!) but am amazed at how good it is.

Since getting it last month I have got the following for free.

Yeah, been on it since the beginning. Make sure you add everything to your account even if you don't download right away, then you can grab them whenever you like.


Been some amazing deals on it, I barely buy games now because of it!

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Dont think its going to be the same on PS4 though.

Drive club free straight off is good but sounds like its very cut down so more like a beefed up freemium affair.


Obviously it would have to be years before they could start offering full games for free but if the discounts and stuff like that continue on ps4 then that will be good.

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Dont think its going to be the same on PS4 though.

Drive club free straight off is good but sounds like its very cut down so more like a beefed up freemium affair.


Obviously it would have to be years before they could start offering full games for free but if the discounts and stuff like that continue on ps4 then that will be good.

Yeah, they won't have the back catalogue. It could tie in with the ps3 in a cloud stuff they've been talking about, like a spotify style access to all ps3 back catalog via the cloud player thing.
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I believe with the PS4 you will need a PS+ sub to play games online. However once the catalog builds up and they continue to give away free games I don't see a problem with this, should be good value for money, especially if you can pick up an cheap sub offer I see advertised every so often.


Sony certainly seem to be on the ball a lot more with regards to the consumer.

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