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General Election 2021 Results Analysis

Roger Mexico

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I think that if you are in a position like a council member or similar then it is part of your job to attend things like this.

I go every year as my family lost a few members in WW2 but that is a personal thing.

For our "representatives" its just respectful to follow tradition and attend this and other similar things, Harvest Festival, Christmas Lights turn on, Fireworks, Burning Witches etc etc 

Its part of civil society? Things you do because its the decent thing? Like wearing a suit and tie to court or your wedding, its just polite.

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20 hours ago, Barlow said:

Hold on folks, I don't think anyone was suggesting compulsory.
But if you don't attend . . .you don't attend. Fair enough.

Let the public decide. Maybe it's ok. The following year there will be less and less politicians who don't attend. I'm sure of it.

World Wars are becoming forgotten history year by year. And the more self-centred in our society get to live and enjoy their lives just how they feel they should without any acknowledgement to those gone before them who gave their lives in the horror of war.

But wokedom doesn't need to see these things, or be reminded of the past. They are the bright new things in a bright new world.

Perfectly said 

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