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Caring For Wild Mice


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Last night i saved a baby mouse from the claws of one of my cats, i am keeping it in my old gerbil cage and it has survived the night so im taking that a good sign but i have no idea how to look after mice :huh:


Anyone know what i should feed it etc....

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Last night i saved a baby mouse from the claws of one of my cats, i am keeping it in my old gerbil cage and it has survived the night so im taking that a good sign but i have no idea how to look after mice :huh:


Anyone know what i should feed it etc....


Feed it to the wild, in other words take it out to a nice field and let it go.

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Are you planning to keep it as a pet? I'd go to the vets and see if they can splint the leg or something. I doubt the leg will heal properly otherwise. Also cat saliva is lethal for mice so if it doesn't get antibiotics it will probably die.


my cats bring in mice all the time too, I usually just catch em and chuck em back outside. Better than them catching birds though.


any injured birds they've ever brought in that I've tried to keep until they recover have died, not tried with a mouse!

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Are you planning to keep it as a pet? I'd go to the vets and see if they can splint the leg or something. I doubt the leg will heal properly otherwise. Also cat saliva is lethal for mice so if it doesn't get antibiotics it will probably die.


my cats bring in mice all the time too, I usually just catch em and chuck em back outside. Better than them catching birds though.


any injured birds they've ever brought in that I've tried to keep until they recover have died, not tried with a mouse!


We had an injured bird too, we took it to the MSPCA and they just said it had lost its tail and they would wait until it had grown back and then let it go

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ours brought in an entire nests worth of baby starlings once, we thought they were dead but they were just so young they barely moved apart from opening their beaks at you for food! we rang the mspca who said "put them back where you found them", unfortunely that was the kitchen floor, so not entirely a good plan.


tried to find worms for them, failed miserably, found one in an hour! we eventually brought them to some bird woman in peel who took them off our hands, and they were eventually released I think. doncha just love a happy ending?

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Last night i saved a baby mouse from the claws of one of my cats, i am keeping it in my old gerbil cage and it has survived the night so im taking that a good sign but i have no idea how to look after mice :huh:


Anyone know what i should feed it etc....


Feed it cheese. Everyone loves cheese especially the CheeseMonster.


Or feed it to your cat. If my cat caught something I'd let it eat it. However when it catches cigarette but it's best not to let it eat them.

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Years ago there used to be a lovely lady in Cregneash (I think she was called Mrs Brenny or something like that). She used to take in hurt wild aminals and nurse them back to health - had lots of things in cages she looked after. She was a lovely lady does anybody else remember her?

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