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  1. I sometimes wonder how some legal representatives sleep at night...is the money paid, in some cases, to find that little technicality more important than true justice...I ponder to anther case..check out Robert Brown and, the 'murder' (in my eyes he murdered her) of Joanna Brown, from the island. Shortly after a high profile case, where pre nups were deemed valid in the uk, he battered his wife to death as he was pissed off that he signed a pre nup and she was divorcing him , with a hammer, that he brought in his sons school folder, killed her in the house, when the kids were there, popped her in the boot in the car, with his kids, and buried her in a grave, that he had dug a few days earlier.. Some sort of psycho jargon by defense lawyer resulted in. Manslaughter verdict...thankfully the judge seen the error if the jury's ways and he laid a whopping sentence on him, as far as manslaughter sentences go
  2. I don't know, is it? I have no idea whether this lad (probably on legal aid) has pleaded guilty out of remorse or for a lighter sentence, but I reflect back to the case where a lad who killed someone on the mountain, who could afford a hot shot lawyer, got off on a whim (some sort of reported brake issue on the car in the past or something like that, even though they were (I better say here allegedly) driving like a looney and killed someone) do the upper class tend to get off with it...I don't know, I'm just reflecting on one case..
  3. Trying to reiterate my original point...But what of those, who are living Scott free after killing someone, because they were driving their car like a tool, but their hot shot lawyer that their very wealthy family got them off...that shot bag lad killed someone, and at least he admitted it, whether that be through remorse, or advice from a lawyer. He admitted it. He had the decency (well I hope it was out of decency) to admit it. Not like some jumped up person, who feels they are beyond responsibility, despite killing somebody, and their well paid lawyer gets the off...It's a shame that people with money can get away with it...even though they are killers. They probably carry on with their privileged lives, not even giving a second thought to the person they killed.
  4. I am relieved he pled guilty and even though he is apparantly a shit bag, he has at least spared the family the distress of a trial, unlike the 'fortunate ones' who have the money for shit hot lawyers, and despite the fact they drove like twats and killed someone they get off on some sort of legal technicality or pathetic excuse and the family of the innocent having gone through hell and graffic descriptions of how their loved one succumbed, that poor family of the deceased get no justice. At least he has taken responsibility for his reckless actions, unlike those who are so up their own asses that it's everyone's fault but theirs.
  5. Edit to remove as I was reading page 3 with hombre....oops
  6. I can look back in humour now as it was a long time ago (at the time I was devastated)....I took my middle boy to nobles (a thing I would not do unless I was worried - I am doctor phobic personally) as he had chronic stomach pains....an hour later and lost in translation with several A&E doctors whose english was diabolical it ended up with a trip up to the childrens ward...in the space of two hours it had turned from stomach cramps, to a potential shadow on the lung....to breathing difficulties (he was grunting type thing due to the griping stomach pains). I was terrified my (as he was then) 15 month old boy potentially having breathing problems.........up in the childrens ward I was taken aside and asked if I had throttled my child, or if there was any chance my child had been throttled. I was horrified at the accusations being levvied my way....I had taken my child to the hospital with stomach pains and here I was being asked if I had throttled my child!!! Anyway - he was discharged when it was established I had not abused or attempted to murder my child....but this left a lasting and very negative impression on me as a young mum, I knew I had done nothing to my boy, yet the accusations and the stories you recall of mothers being accused of hurting their children, which after years of the mother being incarcerated are found to be untrue really weighed on my mind. Such was my paranoia, when he was proper ill about 6 months later (with gastroenteritis it transpired) I avoided the doctors for fear of further accusation, and ended up with a very ill boy who spent several days in hospital as an emergency. Older and wiser I would have done things differently if I could go back, but at the time, I was young and as I say, looking back I can sort of smirk about it - at the time it was very horrid indeed!
  7. Whilst I appreciate there are children (and parents) who are badly affected by ADHD, autism etc...I think "officials" can be too keen to label children who do not conform to the "norm". I have a five year old boy, who is so imaginative, it gives me so much pleasure to see him play, in his land of fantasy - he is darth vadar, he is an alien, he is buzz light year - he loves to play with toys and be a child, running around outside fighting an inter-galactic battle (instead of sat infront of a DS, or playstation..!) He can read, he can write and academically is on par with his peers. Imagine my surprise when at a parents evening the teacher requested to us that he "be assessed - professionally" about his develepmental issues - I was like - what for? Is he behind in his work? No was the reply. This was the reasoning.... He does not sit still when it's story time....... HE'S A FIVE YEAR OLD BOY! He does not play with toys appropriately - for example when playing shops he uses the play vegetables as space ships - HE'S A FIVE YEAR OLD BOY! He changes the subject and does not make eye contact if he does not know the answer to a question, usually talks alot about aliens - HE IS A FIVE YEAR OLD BOY! He took apart an electrical item and now they won't work - HE IS A FIVE YEAR OLD BOY - he probably wanted to see how it works He is silly in PE and does not always obey commands - HE IS A FIVE YEAR OLD BOY I refused point blank to allow my son to be assessed and labelled with some sort of "condition" at the age of five, because he is not a "sheep" Don't get me wrong - if I though there was something wrong with my son - I would be the first to seek help, but at the end of the day - he is a five year old boy, he is a child, a little boy, who will, when he is old enough understand that he is not Darth Vader. , I would much rather have this loving, imaginative playful boy, than a child who lacks imagination
  8. My memories of teachers are Michael School Mrs Thompson - liked to stab you in the chest with a red pen Mrs Renshaw - ruled the class with a rod of iron, my hat my legs got slapped back then...but I thank her for teaching me how to knit Tommy Cashin - an amazing amazing man - that is all QEII Miss Skillicorn - meek history teacher - my tutor in first year Mr Bromiley - leather faced Geography teacher - about 100 years old - my tutor in second year Mr Riordan - science - I think - me and him did not get on - tutor in third year Mr Cubbon - miniscule Chemistry teacher and great michael man - tutor in fourth year Mr Snellgrove - skimpy shorted rugby fanatic who caught me smoking in the first year (oops) - he was my fifth year tutor Mr Mokey Schmoke Bokeysome (Mr Beckerson) - sixth form head - sort of reminds me of the teacher of inbetweeners other noteable mentions Miss France - Scared the shit out of me Dr Kennaugh - Scared the shit out of me - but in the end I discovered she was a lovely woman Madge (Mrs Kelly) - equally scary PE teacher Mr Schneidelly Whiplash - Czechozlovakian handball master maths teacher - had a strange crush on him in third year Red Harry - Mr Galbraith - head master Mr "monkey man" molten (God rest his soul) a lovely Physics teacher Ms Beales - who was a hippy type english teacher and is now called mlle kerblat and teaches my son french...random Mr Jones - bespectacled Geography teacher who got me in loads of shit for drawing a characiture of Mr Platton on my exercise book - made me write an appology and all to him - twat Ms Moyles (?) a jolly lady who I have no idea what she taught - she just floated around in flowery skirts smiling alot Mrs Ennett - large feisty dinner lady that is about all I remember But man I find it very strange going to my sons parents evenings (man being back at QEII brings back some wonderful memories) - but some of the teachers who taught me are still there........I hope they don't let on what a minx his mum was!
  9. I watched the men who stare at goats the other night, great cast, a bit odd, but mildly amusing in a bizarre sort of way
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