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Everything posted by kevster

  1. Apparently not according to Whites website
  2. Buses will do the same as they do now - but with better shelters for passengers. It was in one of the articles
  3. I would think that he didn't come all this way just to talk to a PAG meeting. He was probably doing other talks in the UK/Europe anyway
  4. Which part are you querying - the dog shit part or the paying part?
  5. Dotet.co.uk is IoM government
  6. That's never stopped people before
  7. Why is £50 million being quoted?? Where has that come from? The only thing I can find relating to £50 million was a suggestion by someone on here advocating it should be financed out of the Enterprise Fund, which is crackers. A lot of old people will not transfer from vessel to tender for trips as it's perceived to be dangerous , hence the need for a berth. See the link in the opening post
  8. I'm with Gladys. 1960 was the year to be born.
  9. It looks like the Ben is in trouble again! According to the AIS site she's circling around.
  10. You can't compare them to the IoMSPCo. Just look at the number of passengers. They are also heavily subsidised by the Government
  11. You don't get to be a top class bog cleaner without some decent money behind you
  12. Don't know what the law is here, but they are also illegal to use on public roads and footpaths in the UK
  13. I think Hollow Talk is on the "This Is For The White In Your Eyes" album
  14. We're not the only ones with problems: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-jersey-32276165
  15. From what I can see the webcams are utterly unreliable and no help at all. They might as well be removed and sold for scrap. For example, this morning we have a 'now you see it, now you don't' view of Douglas Harbour indicating that the Ben is either at Victoria Pier, or perhaps has already departed - I wonder which? Do you mean HERE ? The central image is static and never changes - look at the pages for the other cameras.... The live feed is the left hand image
  16. They measure water going in - not shit going out. Oh bugger - I can just see the headline "IoM Govt invest in shit meters"
  17. thought we already paid as part of the water rates
  18. Nice to see you supporting local businesses and food suppliers
  19. Don't go spoiling it with facts - remember, this is MF
  20. My nephew is extremely gifted, intelligent and very kind. He will make a brilliant engineer one day. So he's related by marriage only then? He's my sister's son. He gets his brains from his mother. So you're adopted then
  21. High quality flats with a memorial garden in front would work, but the cost of stabilising the cliff will be high - I think it's very young rock. Who in their right mind would want to to live in a flat in that place? There's no diplomatic way to say this so I'll just say it: the place is totally haunted. You would get a great view of those chemical spraying aeroplanes though
  22. I thought there was already a memorial thing in those gardens
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