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Everything posted by Tugger

  1. Digby Jones was a partner at a third rate Birmingham law firm before moving to the CBI. He wouldn't get a job at any of the top twenty UK law firms, because he is demonstrably third tier. If Nigel Boardman or Anthony Salz were talking, people might listen. Jones is a nobody
  2. Brilliant. "The post holder will be a strong advocate for trees"
  3. 2006 Act companies are quite "secretive" insofar as the general public is concerned. Obviously the regulators and the tax man can get their hands on pretty much anything. Separately, despite the current pitchforks it is highly unlikely that the UK government is going to legislate for the IOM or the Channel Islands. The constitutional relationship between the UK and the various islands is incredibly complicated and nuanced, and despite the wishes of the likes of Richard Murphy the UK isn't going to bulldoze legislation through destroying the communities there. The likes of the Cleaner and the Radio Virgin would like it to be otherwise, but it isn't ever going to happen
  4. This looks like a good outcome - what could be worse than the present situation?
  5. I used his book to stop smoking too. More than ten years off the cigs now, very pleased I did it.
  6. What can and cannot be claimed as damages for negligence is a pre legal issue. I don't know if that advocate was stating the law as it stood at the time, but the courts are very constrained in what they can and cannot award
  7. I'm sure I remember "Summerland Sam" getting bundled over and jumped on during one Douglas Carnival. 1983? Being dressed in a big, spherical foam suit he was pretty much helpless (but also pretty impervious to damage). It was very funny
  8. The reply is now up and it is basically that the balance on the media fund is basically £34million. £24m in cash and £10 in films. Previous this was £33m Of that £25million has been earmarked to be "Invested" by Pinewood. Therefore 33 - 25 = 8 which is what he is saying will come back to general reserves one day. This is reliant on the films that have been made that cost £10m returning that much and that the £25m that Pinewood soend on other films will return that much again. On the basis that virtually every film produced to date has lost money including TT3D the chances of that £8m ever being seen are roughly the chances of me going dogging with Sam Barks tonight How did you get on?
  9. Tugger

    Adhd Island

    Did someone call?
  10. Tugger

    Adhd Island

    It's not kiddy coke, I don't think. It has a different effect on children than on adults, so while it would basically have the same effect as speed on an adult, it actually calms children. I learned this from Doc Martin
  11. I didn't have much to do with him but I do know people who speak surprisingly highly of him (usually good swimmers mind)
  12. I had the pleasure of The Smurfs 3d yesterday. I can't say I recommend it. Gutted to hear Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is dreary - was really looking forward to that.
  13. and I've got a big cock hanging off me. Its name is pauld
  14. I might start a thread mentioning myself by my real name and talking about what a great shag "he" is
  15. AGs are interested in sentences. It is the AG that appeals against sentences that he feels are too low. I really don't know what the fuss is about over the AG. Personally, I agree that the sentence is light - just looks like Athol Street protecting their own
  16. I like the thought of him being concerned for the reputation of the legal profession, given that they had to get lawyers from overseas both to prosecute and defend the case, presumably because of a lack of expertise here. Oh, and an acting deemster from overseas to judge the fecking thing. What a terrific homegrown profession we must have
  17. All the value in the IOMSPCo (which someone obviously once thought was worth hundreds of millions) is in the User Agreement. The User Agreement was within the gift of government. It should not be renewed, in any circumstances, without a substantial overhaul of its terms, because at the moment its terms constitute a multi-million pound GIFT to a company whose ownership has nothing to do with the Isle of Man. The next version of the User Agreement should have the IOMSPCo giving the IOM Government a share of the profits
  18. It won't happen soon not because of inertia, but because such a step is actually contrary to existing government policy. The prohibition against "financial assistance" was not included the Companies Act 2006, and was recently taken out of the Companies Act 1931. So recent steps have been taken, but not the ones John Wright wants. It is pointless to try to retain the prohibition. All people will do is use BVI companies to own assets instead of Isle of Man ones.
  19. They tend to in my experience, because they write them out in advance nowadays and it's easier just to paste the judgment on the website than to amend it
  20. There is a judgments online section of the Courts website: http://www.judgments.im/Content/home.mth It's not there yet but I expect it will be
  21. Lets hope that you are never in a situation were your job is being undercut by poverty wages then, then you wont even be able to afford to pay for the cheap and decent service. Chris these people are so taken up with their involvement in the race to the bottom, they're beyond reason. Best thing is to ignore them. Worrying thing is there's so many of them living here, it doesn't bode well for the future. Ah yes, doubtless acorn is typing this with his Isle of Man-made computer, in his shoes from Ronaldsway Shoe Company, wearing a suit made by the bespoke tailor on Bucks Road (using only Manx sourced fabrics). What an idiot
  22. There are a few specialist outfits in the UK - Caterham, Ariel, Noble, that sort of thing (I think!)
  23. Lets hope that you are never in a situation were your job is being undercut by poverty wages then, then you wont even be able to afford to pay for the cheap and decent service. I make every effort to ensure that it is not. But I'm buggered if I would pay extra for trainers made in Belgravia by viscounts, a car that was assembled in Chelsea by Dukes, or toys manufactured in the West End by members of the Privy Council. If I can't tell the difference in the product, I buy the cheapest.
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