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Everything posted by hboy

  1. hboy


    What you need to speak Thai? I know a few of them are old and getting desperate but I'm not sure it's quite a prerequisite yet.
  2. hboy


    Well that job is very specific. There isn't a Manx person who could fill that is there? There shouldn't even be a need to advertise that. Just charge the company a set fee to get a work permit and give it to them. Interviewing any local is just a waste of everyone's time.
  3. hboy


    I agree but it still theoretically could all leave tomorrow.
  4. I do actually as I have had interaction with this person and another member of his family quite some years ago now. Basically some people are never equipped to learn and present a danger to themselves and the rest of us because of that. This is one such person in my opinion. It's unlikely that they will acquire any more brain cells as part of any rehabilitation process either. As I said at the start - an oxygen thief of the highest order.
  5. It seems to be a lot to do with him being an asshole.
  6. Play fair. He hates spastic's as well.
  7. Because we're an Island and therefore all our turds end up drifting towards the mainland in the end.
  8. I agree - he's just an oxygen thief. No need for social reports.
  9. He should have been dealt properly with the last time (and the time before that) the guy is a total scumbag who has inflicted so much misery on other people simply because he's an asshole.
  10. And some people are not happy unless they are constantly arguing, belittling, and generally throwing their weight around all day shouting at people on a pathetic Internet forum as they haven't got a life.
  11. Paranoia again? I'd say the definition of a mentalist was someone who spends 12 hours online all day shouting at people, getting angry, and generally shouting about sock puppets whilst using a huge number of sock puppet accounts to do it from. It really is an interest psychological study. Have you noticed absolutely nobody except you is posting on here now?
  12. Trolling yourself now? You're taking tips from Gizo clearly. The sock drawer really stinks.
  13. No it didn't. Just pointing out how fucking boring your standard insults to everyone in this forum are.
  14. Your suppositions about other people's apparent failures and sex lives are getting a bit boring now. You're apparently the one who sits on the internet all day shouting at and abusing people and probably going home to wank into a sock. One of many socks I'm sure you own.
  15. Of course I do. It's TT and Im having to tune in for road closure updates and info on the Practices - other than that I wouldn't bother as it's just shite. But having to tune in this week and having to hear the likes of Moss and Pack and their boring amateurish waffle just pisses me off that I'm paying for such complete cack via my taxes.
  16. I can't even listen now without wanting to rip the radio out of my car and throw it out the window. (Rubber) Jonny Moss was bad enough the other day but Jo Pack genuinely makes me want to vomit. She's such an awful wanna-be arse kisser and clearly knows fuck all about anything TT related. It's just awful. But it doesn't really matter to those in charge as they'll get paid their massive salaries whatever laughable tawdry old shite gets pumped out on the radio.
  17. It was a metaphor, an analogy, Manx Radio is as much a public annoyance as dog shit.
  18. Because it's crap, I can do nothing about it, it offends me, it is a general annoyance, and yet I'm paying for it.
  19. Listening to Manx Radio is like picking up other people's dog shit (and paying for the privilege).
  20. I'd be much more interested if she was picking up other people's dog shit.
  21. If he's a Griffin he's probably a good Family Guy.
  22. He sounds like a character out of Frasier Good luck!
  23. What a colossal bell end. Another failed local authority nobody who should learn when to just STFU.
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