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Everything posted by hboy

  1. Good, fuck off you waste of skin. Your pathetic trolling and need to be a complete cunt every day just to keep yourself amused is just fucking boring. I hope that was a flounce and you won’t be back for a while you tedious cretinous unfunny toss bag.
  2. I think you're being too kind. I'm amazed a man with three drink driving convictions managed to hold on to a license to serve alcohol for as long as he did. Wasn't the license in the name of his chef in the end?
  3. Poor thicko Neil makes idiotic statement on MF again. No, but why would anyone be aggrieved anyway? The drunken idiot blew his chances up twice by getting done twice before two consecutive elections. The man was a joke.
  4. Dobbo was just a pisshead. The attempts at Keys were just hilarious. Done for drink drinking on the eve of almost every one of them and running a so called major business empire from an Onchan council house.
  5. Yes should have stuffed it into wooleys front wall and done a runner too.
  6. I know you are only pointlessly trolling people to start a fight but really. You can't remember the last serious drink driving crash? http://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/motorist-arrested-for-drink-driving-after-prom-smash/ http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=35623&headline=Drink-driver crashed car&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2017 Poor attempt at trolling. It is getting a bit boring here really isn't it as it's largely you posting all the time in every thread so I'm sure it would be nice for you if you could start a fight with another actual human being.
  7. It never put the owner off. I wonder how much of it is down to the fact that you probably don't make that much money running a pub when you're a pisshead?
  8. Extra long and boring as f**k. Probably ghost written by Rob Callister..
  9. It isn't a civil service job as you claimed. Far from it - thats the whole point of it being a separate statutory authority/board which comprises of government and non government members to oversee it. I think you will find that you're the knob.
  10. The FSC (FSA) isn't civil service it's a statutory authority. The FCU is a branch of the police force. Maybe you should get your facts right too?
  11. Plus it will stop a lot of people traipsing through the developers land now as there's nowhere to get to.
  12. Monkhouse? I know he's a bit of a comedian but ...
  13. Funny they can spend so much time pissing around on Facebook and Twitter then? Its not like they need the riot police to police a carnival is it? They seem to be managing ok in Peel today? A few drunk teenagers at the worse who probably won't cause any bother anyway. It's total bollocks. Just shows how pathetic this Island has become in its need for the public sector to wash its dirty linen on how hard done by EVERYONE is in public. Oh, we're all supposed to be feeling their pain for them by having public fun curtailed. Strangely everyone else has been feeling a bit poor since about 2008 and has just had to get on with it as nobody in government gives a shit.
  14. It's the public and people of Castletown who suffered in this instance not the legislators (who I'm sure still don't really give a shit) so quite clearly it was petty and vindictive and the response from the people (the silent band) quite justified and an appropriate 'two fingers' to the lot of them. Government in all its guises needs to sort itself out - we're paying for these twats to act like overgrown school children and generally destroy much that was good about living in the IOM. I hope that more pathetic public acts of defiance will start occurring until people in government start to get it that a lot of their input isn't wanted and is not needed. It's only the constant self creation of bullshit and red tape that's keeping a lot of them in jobs.
  15. So it's exactly as everyone has claimed then? A petty political move by the Police to further the perception of how hard done by they all are and how their budgets are being cut back again. Boo hoo! Nobody can have any fun because we want to prove a point that's in our own interests to prove, So great to see that clip. They totally took the piss out of the jobsworths for their ridiculous attitude. Hopefully there will be more protests against petty government jobsworth behaviour to come as and when more pathetic incidents like this arise in future. What we need is more polite civil disobedience like this to counter the ever increasing wealth of senseless bullshit being generated by our over inflated state and public sector.
  16. Dublin wants the jobs too and will do almost anything to accommodate some of the bigger finance houses. If the UK isn't careful Dublin will start to become some of what London wanted to become post Brexit. Not that I think Brexit will happen now to be honest. It's pretty clear to most people now that it's a bag of crap pipe dream that's been hijacked by a bunch of largely elderly racists who are still living in the land of hope and glory. All we need is a proper house price wobble (which is on the emerging horizon) to further kill any notions of Brexit stone dead. Why would anyone foreign buy a house in London at the moment when the country can't even confirm whether you'll be able to have to right to reside longer term? The sales pipeline is slowing rapidly given that such a large number of buyers down there are non UK citizens. That will be the final nail as even the Daily Mail will go into meltdown about a middle class house price crash.
  17. FAKE NEWS ALERT (again) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/22/uk-car-exports-soar-to-record-high 70-80% of Nissans built in the UK end up exported to Europe but that is not anywhere near 70% of Nissans 715,000 total car and commercials sales in Europe as they only build 2 volume models in the UK (Quashqai and Juke). The rest (plus all the commercials, trucks, and pickups etc) come from outside. And, back to my point, at the moment there is no tariff free trade between the UK and EU guaranteed after Brexit but there is between Japan and the EU so it could well have a devastating effect on Sunderland as I said. Maybe they'll regret potentially voting themselves out of jobs? Or maybe we'll just end up subsidizing their whole operation to the tune of £300m a year as we have promised to do if it all goes tit up and tariffs come in? http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-nissan-subsidies-analysis-idUKKBN12X0K7
  18. They only make the Quasqai and the Juke in the UK (and the Leaf but who buys that sort of rubbish in high volume). That's all now they even stopped making the Micra there in 2010. The Juke is hardly a high volume seller so it's really only the Quashqai. The rest they will ship straight from Japan I assume so all the big volume sellers will be caught under the new trade agreement.
  19. Hboy can't be bothered answering as Mojo answered and as usual you just used whatever he said as a stick to beat him with as you aren't interested in having a debate just in lashing out and fighting with people as clearly you don't really have enough going on in your life that you have to sit on an Internet forum all day looking for opportunities to fight with people. Nissan was clearly the major Japanese manufacturer who assembles in the UK.
  20. You should try it. There's loads of good anti globalization stuff in there you'd (apparently) like.
  21. There is no way. Japan doesn't need to do a deal with the UK now. It has a deal with the EU which is a much bigger market and the UK is assembling its cars now for export to nowhere as they'll be shipping them in to the EU across the Pacific. The UK has just become irrelevant as a staging post for any Japanese goods. I'm sure all those people in Sunderland will be really pleased they voted for Brexit when their plants start being downsized and they start losing their jobs.
  22. Because Japan has just done a deal with the second largest consumer market on earth. I doubt it could even be arsed entertaining the UK now which is exactly why the EU has done it. We're a tiny little market now in the overall scheme of things and now we need a deal with Japan more than Japan needs a deal with the UK as it's got Europe on the hook. A massive own goal for all those stupid twats in a Sunderland who voted to leave the EU. They won't even have any European demand for anything that leaves a production line in Sunderland anymore when they'll be shipping container loads across the Pacific straight into the heart of the EU. Looks like the EU has totally outsmarted all those really clever Brexiteers who lied through their teeth. Whilst the Tories fight a leadership struggle the EU diplomats are all on jets doing deals. Clowns.
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