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Everything posted by hboy

  1. To true it is. It's appalling how people at the DHSC who are charged with overseeing people's welfare have walked away from this purely, it would seem, because of their personal religious beliefs. It's quite disgraceful that they have been allowed to do this when the Department has a responsibility to these women for their welfare. It's putting women's health at risk and it's forcing them at a very troubling and traumatic time to have little support from their GP, or in the form of counseling from mental health services, and making them get on a boat or a plane and sort themselves out privately in the UK and then come back having to act like nothing has happened. It's a total disgrace and Beecroft should be made to publicly explain why she said they had consulted when they clearly haven't.
  2. If he'd have said that he had sex with animals and the world was going to end at 7:00pm next Friday would you have just reported that as well? J2bad makes a valid point that a lot of what is reported as "news" by MR isn't really news at all it's unsubstantiated positive PR for IOM Plc. I know we are in a post facts world but MR have been doing it for about 30 years.
  3. There is obviously a real failing in the care in the community programme if you are allowed to be up this late at night without assistance.
  4. You're the one digging. I'm just replying to your posts.
  5. It's you who looks like an angry, stupid, cock. I don't have any sock puppets. Alledgely unlike you who comprises of half of MF with angry unsubstantiated pro government bile.
  6. But it is. You appear to be a sad apology for a human being who delights in throwing random abuse on an Internet forum 24/7 without having a clue about what you are actually saying. Some facts to back up any argument would be helpful to most posters. But that never seems to happen. Instead just a random stream of angry vengeful piss that spews out of your keyboard in an attempt to make yourself look clever (which in reality is unlikely).
  7. Better than being a complete wanker that makes up false arguments and yet never manages to back any of them up with actual facts.
  8. that was actually quite original for you, perhaps you could add this to your stock phrases next week when you discuss the horsetrams again. See, you're turning into a superfan. Send your address in and I'll send you a signed picture. A signed photo of a DJ is so 1980's. But that reminds me that I have a great idea for a new show Stu. Ebay is quite successful now. But there's lots of people who buy stuff, or who get given gifts by other people, who aren't happy with what they receive. I think it would be a good idea if people could exchange these gifts with other local people without the expense of going on eBay. It would be a radio shop to swap stuff in. You could call it Saturday Morning Swap Shop. I bet it would be a total winner for Manx Radio. It would seem to fit in with the content of the existing programming.
  9. I haven't taken a stance. Like I've said, you appear to be desperate for an argument. You'll have to find someone else to have it with I'm afraid. I'm not in the mood. Not in the mood? A strange way of announcing you've ran out of ideas or lifelines.
  10. I'm a bemused casual observer. Not the audience.
  11. Didn't realise doves were such a problem. I quite liked them until you told me this. See the wiki link above - St Columba: Colm Cille: the Church Dove.
  12. Lol, good one! On that premise, would you mind very much refunding me all those PPI payments you insisted I paid a few years ago? Please stop trying to derail this thread with your rubbish. Some quite valid points had been made by many until the hypocritical God squad turned up to have its irrelevant say.
  13. Does my name and avatar really say all that? Crikey! I should obviously change them! Changing one letter is a half arsed attempt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columba The religion that by far inflicts the most double standards, hypocrisy, and misery on the world.
  14. Who is the irritating woman they use in about 60% of the annnoying adverts who sounds like she trying to explain things to someone who is mentally retarded or a small child? I find that really annoying. Although I suppose a lot of the target audience are probably either mentally ill or small children.
  15. It's still a human in my book. Your name and avatar say it all. A bigot from a failed irrelevant religion that would rather turn a blind eye to paedophile priests tampering with choirboys than to contraception or abortion.
  16. What annoyed me in this is that the health services should be there to protect and support the vulnerable not to pursue the agendas of a bunch of bigots or religious nuts who are opposed to abortion. If medical advice had been sought thats one thing but if it hasn't been who the hell are people like Beecoft to impose their personal views about what is moral or Christian on people who require (and expect) effective mediacal and physiological support form the Manx health services? It's an absolute disgrace that people appear to have let their personal views on 'morality' cast the needs of these people aside.
  17. Genuinely appalling http://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/dhsc-hasnt-consulted-medics-about-abortion-law-changes/ So no medics were consulted making this a total decision on ludicrous religious beliefs rather than having any sort of medical input in the decision at all. Shameful.
  18. They just need to put up a few red Hammer and Sickle flags, give the station controller a plumed hat and a white jacket with a big set of epaulets and a set of Raybans, and change its name to "The broadcasting service of the illustrious people's republic of the Isle of Man" and then it will really have found its niche.
  19. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .
  20. Yes please do as it will probably put the UK of the customs union with the EU which will completely fuck this place and then I can start taking delight from hearing all the dumb Manxies who supported Brexit starting to get angry about the UK selling the IOM down the river and the fact that we're now hundreds of millions more down on our VAT receipts than we were already. What does that mean ? It's the inconvenient truth Woolley and the Manx Brexit muppets won't acknowledge in that there is a significant amount of activity that goes on here solely because of the customs union the UK has with the EU and the way the IOM links in to that Customs Union via the VAT share agreement. If the UK is no longer in the customs union it will have a significant impact on the IOMs finances in terms of significantly reduced VAT generating activity. The yacht and aircraft sector will be completely fucked for one. I hope it happens too - just to shut the baby boomer clowns who live here who supported Brexit up. I see Wooleys reply of "nothing" says it all. He can't acknowledge any negative impacts of the wonderful Brexit he personally troths at the mouth at every day.
  21. Yes please do as it will probably put the UK of the customs union with the EU which will completely fuck this place and then I can start taking delight from hearing all the dumb Manxies who supported Brexit starting to get angry about the UK selling the IOM down the river and the fact that we're now hundreds of millions more down on our VAT receipts than we were already.
  22. Takes one to know one.
  23. Reminds me of Ray Von from Phoenix shites.
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