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Everything posted by immortalpuppet

  1. If they are not expecting the numbers, it’s hardly surprising that some venues/services won’t be running full time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I am sure checking to see what’s running and what’s not is an easy way to avoid disappointment but unless it’s prompted or you have super organised holidaymakers, there will be a few confused punters around this summer.
  2. I tried looking at the model on Google docs but it’s all Greek to me. Today is day 34 if June 26th was day 0 or whatever. The request was genuine to see if the modelling is matching up to the reported stats. Part of the reason for my curiosity is around the shift to LFT and people either succumbing to symptoms and riding it out without testing as they don’t want to SI or they use an LFT pathway without calling 111 so they don’t become a statistic on the dashboard. With the above, projected hospital admissions may be one of the only visible markers if that’s such a thing.
  3. That’s a no then? Simple words please Ben, I am thick as mince
  4. Most areas of the Island are spot on. There are plenty of weekend adventures to be had exploring and finding new things to do, mostly outdoors. Its a significant change of pace compared to most UK areas. The Manx are known for our hospitality despite what some may think on social media (it’s not real life). Eating/drinking is getting a lot better recently with some fantastic places opening up across the Island
  5. @BenFairfax - genuinely curious, as you seem to have a very bold statement using your numbers around the future timeline of our current Covid “wave”, has your modelling been accurate to date? Is there a simple graphical format an idiot such as myself could follow depicting your timeline, the factual timeline? Thanks
  6. Seeing people back in work that caught Covid at the nunnery. so, with no exit tests we should be looking at 100+ people a day out of SI which will hopefully help the venues that have been struggling with staff. As many people flapping on Social media about the current situation, out in the real world there is little or no panic and the atmosphere seems really positive. There are even more than a few people casually donning masks when faced with crowded or poorly ventilated areas and nobody is batting an eyelid. I think the people driving the mandate for masks want some sort of fanfare played for attention when the reality is it’s becoming part of normal life and there is far less stigma around compared to the previous waves.
  7. Have been following a story about an old Debenhams site being turned into an activity area with karting and shit like that. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57934829 I don’t see the Summerland site ever being used again, and I think there is far too much risk involved in creating something out of old retail units such as Chester street or the Castle Mona. Short trips to the UK are ok if you are that way inclined but it’s a crying shame we don’t have a big fun/leisure facility anymore.
  8. In reaction to the IOM topping the Covid stakes: ”I suspect this may be the end of the IoM tourism sector and the TT. It will take many years to live this down.” love reading this level of absolute bafoonary while out on a morning stroll. There doesn’t seem to be a care in the world by anyone including those choosing to wear masks that I have seen.
  9. I have some shit tattoos and broken body parts that would prove your assumption very wrong.
  10. I see your point Ben and I can’t really make further comment as I don’t see how full or empty the busses are nowadays. Sense would say if it’s rammed and nobody has a mask on. - quick assessment of risk would say don’t get on the bus. If this is happening now, where is the public outcry from those people? All I see is retired busybodies kicking up a stink.
  11. I don’t fully understand the fascination with mandating masks on public transport. Of the 20+ or more people I know with Covid at the moment, none have used public transport and certainly caught the virus either at the footy or back in the workplace through colleagues. I imagine (but have not took much notice to be fair) there would be a good proportion of people able to make their own choices to wear a mask of using public transport due to the lack on ventilation in an enclosed space. Why are there some people hell bent on the Government trying to enforce common sense?
  12. It’s not a rumour, family friends child not in a good way at all in ICU.
  13. Fixed term contracts being issued for those in rented Corporation properties happening yet?
  14. Look up: @TheIslanderIOM @malew51 @2of @Ronague They will be involved in most of the end of the world threads. I don't follow any of them but they keep appearing on my timeline as suggested topics to which I don't have enough limbs to facepalm enough. As long as they are enjoying themselves I wish them well but holy fuck its painful.
  15. Really can’t see a U turn in the UK. Aside from the dramatics in Westminster, public sentiment for the Government with regards to being in their lives is all but gone.
  16. She knows how to play the game. Nobody knew she existed over here until she started stirring. ETA - get her on the pressers!
  17. Not so many from Tynwald though, must be an age thing
  18. Yes there have been a few from the Nunnery that have gone on to test positive
  19. Hearing the same thing over and over “not answering a number I don’t recognise, track and trace can’t get hold of me I don’t have to isolate” I have seen some of the lengths they go through if it’s high risk but the point being if en mass the public are not willing to self isolate when they are not symptomatic, something has to be done to either relax or as above simplify the advice. Mixed messages when the IOMG want to stay out of our lives and let us make the right decision but then put a couple of thousand people into self Isolation when they are not Ill or symptomatic
  20. I agree to a point although this seems fairly one sided on the part of some of the positive effects of the drugs mentioned. What about psychosis, seeing things that are not there, trying to play with traffic thinking that you are invincible, what are the safe doses? I know in school they used to mention people jumping out of windows believing they could fly, scaremongering as we all believed at the time. My experience has been an awoke consciousness for sure but also in balance, I saw spiders crawling out of my ears, walked into a main road at night staring at headlights believing they were in fact spirits to be caught, having overwhelming spiritual experiences causing me to question reality once I had came down. If I am being honest, after a fairly short exposure of what people saw as harmless drugs, opened up parts of my psyche that I am not sure should be opened. Alcohol/smoking is bad. That's not in question at all for me, but I am not sold on the idea of freely available "natural" drugs being a good thing for society as a whole. I cant really comment on weed much to be fair, I just used to take the knock with alarming accuracy 10 minutes after smoking it. Most people I know who smoke on a regular basis seem to be fairly normal apart from the odd 1 or 2 who seem a little less in the moment than they used to be. CBD gummies tend to send people a bit silly for a while but they seem quite harmless Certainly Shrooms, LSD and other party drugs from the 90's I don't think should ever be freely available
  21. Spain and Portugal announced non vaccinated people from the UK will have to do the full 14 days self isolation. Seems to be a bit of worry around the EU regarding UK travellers.
  22. Usual doommongers pretending to be educated and influential types on Twitter calling for the borders to close because of the positive test yesterday. I imagine Facebook will be a delight this morning.
  23. You don’t need the app, you can login/logout to NHS England via a phone browser if people are sharing a phone. You would need separate logins
  24. You can ask for a print off from your GP if you really need or the card that they sign when you get jabbed
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