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Everything posted by immortalpuppet

  1. For me it’s not about travel or border restrictions. It’s a simple case of removing a looming threat that hangs over us in terms of another lockdown/circuit breaker. Unless there is an exponential rise in serious hospital admissions due to Covid, I would properly struggle with further restrictions coming in again. Its hard to describe, I am not a tinfoil hat chap or anything like that but my anxiety levels have been through the roof for the past year and traditionally, I’m your run towards stuff type in terms of fight/flight/freeze/fornicate. Maybe it’s the lack of perceived control or freedom but I am banking on the end of June to help lift me out of this state of mind.
  2. Any thoughts on the UK opening up earlier than the 21st June. I can’t say I have researched a lot but glossed over more than a couple of articles recently suggesting there is mounting pressure to ease things quicker only balanced really by what’s happening in India.
  3. I went back a while ago and enjoyed casual playing. Shadowlands came out and there was something a bit different about levelling which was nice. 6 Alts later and all of the covenants done for now I am bored. Really dislike the Maw so I guess holding off for 9.1 in a few months.
  4. I had presumed the nod around face coverings and social distancing was referring to how we will likely go through the likes of Winter or Flu season where the expectation is that there will be some variant of virus cutting around. I have to say I don't think its a bad thing at all, just as long as the IOMG don't get any silly ideas of bringing in Circuit breakers every year.
  5. It’s a little more layered than just the fabled passport. Negative testing (or a negative result within 36 hours prior) on entry to events and 5 day follow up. Positive result proof within a time frame (natural immunity) Some of thing things being trialled domestically.
  6. Excited to hear what Paul the Aldi Poirot Moulton has got for us this evening.
  7. The T&T process being contacted by 111 and asked to test?
  8. Neither has mine @John Wright. I imagine that's available at the back end somewhere in the more detailed GP notes for them to see.
  9. Nice to see its showing on my 'Patient access' app already. This may come in handy before anyone sorts their shit out in terms of a passport/proof of vaccination. I don't hold out too much hope for the small paper copy
  10. The Sky WiFi between the boxes can be problematic but it’s usually on the 2.4Ghz band which can be disabled in the settings. The Sky boxes need to either see each other wirelessly or via LAN, they don’t like using other mesh networks.
  11. Are the mini boxes in the same rooms that the BT discs are going to be? If so, you can use the LAN port on the BT discs for the Mini boxes. You should be able to inbox and set up your BT boxes now and either use your DSL connection or even just co figure and adjust the mesh network without an internet feed to do some testing
  12. Anecdotally, people are feeling a bit unwell for a day or so after the first AZ jab whereas its the second Pf jab that seems to make people sick with that vaccine.
  13. I don’t know for certain but I saw some social media posts last week inferring that a young person had either tried to or had committed suicide recently which is what prompted the singleton support bubble.
  14. Genomics would show where the cases came from and highlight any common denominators? Easy to blame the visible external workers I suppose. It does seem busy out and about but not seeing hoards of people congregating
  15. Building firms sharing the same household which I assume would not need to socially distance when working together. I know a few gangs like this Twitch those curtains Banker
  16. “Donate a dose.” Pretty sure I played that game in Peel as a teenager
  17. This is having quite an impact on our young people. Lots of school kids feeling guilty/scared and worried about testing positive for COVID. My daughter is in for a test today having been asked to SI at the start of the week (year 7) Her and her tutor group have been calling each other in tears in case they are spreading the virus. Its easy to say they are fit and healthy and there isn’t a lot to worry about but they are worrying about some of the psychological factors rather than the physical effects. I don’t imagine the Gov had all the facts/data at the start of the week but kids going to school wasn’t the best advice given how quickly this has spread through the east and west.
  18. Colleague was told to self isolate as his partner was in Java during the time/date stated. Initial test for his partner came back negative, they have both been cleared to end self isolation and go about their normal lives. lots of IOMG people were in Java at the times published Yet the dance comp people and the School contacts are still self isolating after negative tests a week later. I am assuming this is because they weren’t classed as low risk as Java was.
  19. From a simpleton point of view (mine) unless you have symptoms or are asymptomatic, it’s going to give a negative result so big H being happy with the 258 negative results from contract tracing isn’t that much of a thing? I know a couple of people now who rang 111 without symptoms but had been in one of the listed places, not happy with the advice given (if no symptoms, relax) so they called again saying they felt unwell and have since been asked to go and test. Big fan of testing but can’t help thinking there will be a lot of those 1400 that are the same with no symptoms but want testing anyway
  20. I do worry sometimes, I didn’t read that as hand-wash and thought it was a bargain
  21. To be fair, the UK vaccine calculator has me showing as between July and Sept so we won’t be that far behind the UK. See if things speed up once the Oxford vaccine comes into the mix
  22. General update, doesn’t usually cause people to flap.
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