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Manx Bean

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Posts posted by Manx Bean

  1. I’m surprised nobody has asked Tony Brown what should be done with it, as he seems to have another opinion on everything at the moment. Maybe him and David Cretney could set up a “When I” committee…

    • Haha 5
  2. 11 minutes ago, piebaps said:

    Sounds like a touch of "green eyes" to me. Perhaps the OP should put in an FOI request and find out some facts rather than implying things.

    On the contrary. It’s just about fairness, and whether its right that a core group of individuals get a funded trip each year, when others are potentially denied funding because x% of the budget is allocated to Lorient every year. 

    Jealousy doesn’t come into it.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Wake Up Call said:

    Featured on radio last night. Funding sources included Department of Enterprise.

    Super robust business case must have been presented. 


     a) are yous proper manx?

    b) are you able to count to ten in Manx?

    c) are you able to listen to fiddle music without having consumed alcohol for at least 5 minutes ?

    d) can you pretend to like French people despite them being queer folk?

  4. 3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

    Who would have thought that the very people who participate in Manx ancing would attend a festival supporting celtic culture of music and dance.

    Would you suggest the clique of plumbers or joiners would be  better representation for the Island?

    This 'clique' are carrying on the celtic tradition, their children are encouraged to do the same, and in doing so will ensure the traditions continue. This is a huge part of our Manx heritage. Far from being a clique, they are extrmely welcoming to anyone who wishes to join their numbers. The more the merrier. Perhaps you might like to become involved?

    I can’t disagree. What does conflict for me though is that there is a perception that a core bunch of people receive funding year in, year out to attend this festival, yet other people I have spoken to have fought and lost small grant applications..

    Just doesn’t seem equitable somehow.

  5. 17 hours ago, Max Power said:


    What sort of indoor facilities, rebuild Summerland? 

    Clean the place up, develop the town centre bombsites, have a joined up strategy to implement facilities with private investors and entrepreneurs! 

    We fumble about this old chestnut all the time, it's no use depending on the CS to have any ideas, they are people who love to piss our money up the wall on their pet schemes in isolation to what their colleagues are pissing up the wall. They don't have any buy in whatsoever and love to waste other people's money, or prevent people with ambition and drive from actually developing anything with their own money! 

    The only way to achieve these numbers is for Alf Cannan to buy a Tardis and transport them from 1960!

    Seriously. Wnat a load of toss.

  6. I saw something I thought I’d never see here this morning. A beggar, complete with begging signage sat outside the old Thorntons shop in Strand Street. She was moved on by a policeman, but I’m sure she had a chap with her who was following behind. 

    I can only assume they’ve come over on the boat, so at least had enough money to get here.

  7. There is a frightening parallel to another thread on MF where we are being asked to “refrain from publicly speculating” about the tragic aircrash by the local plod. Since when has it been a criminal offence to have curiosity? 

    This os of course more serious as its blows a neat hole in the whole spirit of freedom of information and wait for it..transparency (sorry, a little wee came out then I was laughing so much).

    • Like 2
  8. Its seems odd that they are only reporting on Departures, when Arrivals effect us just as much..especially if you have to misfortune to be on one doing circles for 40 minutes while the ATC lads have their breaks.

    Having up to-date departures and arrivals information on the airport website would also be worth concentrating their efforts on. Most of the time it’s shockingly out of date.

    • Like 5
  9. 20 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    It is a joke.
    Just booked the boat for a trip for which  I would normally fly.

    Adds hours to my journey but thinking about it is going to save me hours and a lot of inconvenience.

    You aren’t the only one. Some crossings in the next few weeks are completely sold out..normally unheard of outside of TT or Grand Prix..

    • Like 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, IOM said:

    Totally agree but sometimes the airlines are not blameless either both EasyJet and Loganair need to improve and service the island better . 


    Poor management - poor airlines - poor Minister - poor airport = perfect shit show.

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  11. Thomas’ patronising statement yesterday about “educating people” just underlined for me how detached from the great Manx public he is. In fact, when my brother referred to him recently as an utter C*nt I found it difficult to disagree.

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  12. Not having cocaine was a lost headline opportunity…prisoner concealed crack in his crack..

    Not as funny as the one reported a few days ago of someone caught concealing a stash in a shower cap attached to his genitals..true!

  13. 3 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

    And don’t forget about the  airport facilities that do not support operations in low visibility conditions.

    Yes, over the weekend someone was calling Chris Thomas out on FB about the fact they had they installed CAT1 we wouldn’t be in this mess..he (being an expert naturally) was claiming that CAT1 wasn’t the perfect solution..seemingly an experienced ATC and pilots would argue otherwise?

  14. So, with the perfect storm of:

    1) ATC shortage resulting in closures 

    2) Piss poor management 

    3)  A smug asshole for a Minister

    4) Airlines who are struggling to give a shit

    5) Completely hacked off residents

    How long do you reckon before Ronaldsway implodes and we need a bigger boat?


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