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Everything posted by quilp

  1. Looks like the development of the site may go through. £200m. From BBC news website (can't do the link). Petitions raised locally seem to indicate that when the planning permission was turned down last year, a group was formed to appeal against the decision and it may yet swing in their favour. Though what this means....
  2. That would be glassy, red eyes and a bag with 'swag' emblazoned upon it...
  3. I heard somewhere his nickname was 'Corgi Cavendish' on account of his long body and short legs.
  4. quilp

    Adhd Island

    Yes, parents should spend more time reasoning with their hyperactive children. Often, disobedience can be curtailed with fore-thought and other fine examples of understanding and chemical-free parenting. OR.... Forget the 'Ritalin', and modern techniques, a sound thrashing, three times daily, till the symptoms clear up often helps...
  5. quilp

    Adhd Island

    Ritalin = kiddy coke. Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process. Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves. It's lazy-parenting, Lxxx, and kids having kids. Self-perpetuating, wilful-ignorance and lack of 'life-skills'.
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