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Everything posted by quilp

  1. Ha! As if? Nice thought though...
  2. Buy a wig. I'll be in a false nose and glasses at the do....
  3. It can be quite funny to find out the identities of posters. Especially people whom i've known for many years and not had a clue they are regulars on here. One in particular, who I'd always thought had little in the way of a sense of humour, turns out to be one of the funniest of posters. He doesn't know I know who he is, yet.
  4. @finlo... "Speak for yourself i did'nt (sic) vote for any of the cunts!..." It's people like you, i.e. non-voters, who enable these "cunts" to get elected or normally, re-elected. A typically lazy, short-sighted attitude....
  5. The passing of this motion will be so quick it'll leave skid-marks....
  6. I remember being able to buy toilet paper with Thatchers face on every sheet. Someone could make a bob or two if the same was done here with this lot.
  7. This is probably old hat but it's pretty random and amazing.... Read the warning first.... http://www.neave.com/strobe/
  8. Yikes! Maybe they already have!
  9. Yes, and His all-seeing eye, too, apparently....
  10. a mate used to do similar when racing but hang the knickers from the rear view mirror, was not such a boast when most of them hung over the dash as they were errm large lol He should've hung them from his helmet....
  11. It helps to stifle the screams...
  12. quilp

    Body Found

    On the nail Lonan....
  13. quilp

    Body Found

    Actually your questioning of gaol was directed at my usage, not that of anyone else I have no problem with you using "gaol" to refer to General Gaol. I couldn't care less that you couldn't care less; although the fact that you took the time and effort to write two sentences about not caring less would certainly seem to be a contradiction in terms. Tosser! It is quite a thing when one reviews previous threads in the archive and you aren't featured. I've often wondered whether your appearance on this forum is responsible for the absence of previous long-time posters who've had quite enough of the distractive nuisance that you've become. A serious thread can descend into farce with a post from you.
  14. What are people wanting to see, hear or find out? Indeed, Manxy... Do i hear a faint rustle of tin-foil...?
  15. ''One day i will find the right words, and they will be simple''. Jack kerouac. Spot on Gladys, you got it...
  16. To be fair though, if the manufacturers just "advised" that sprinklers would be good then who would install them unless that was part of building regulation rules? Sprinkler installations on a building that size are very expensive, you dont just connect them to the main, they need storage tanks, pumps and all sorts of other things to work properly from what I have seen. There are ways of making modern buildings safer in a fire than they are now but no developer, architect or client is going to spend money on something that is not required by law in most cases. Sprinklers installed in all new private houses would save lots of lives but it is not a building regulation requirement ATM and with the costs involved no one/ few are installing them just because they would be better for the home owner. Building regulations were a lot different after the Summerland fire, for good reason but I dont think you can expect the people involved at the time to have installed very expensive fire precautions when they were not a legal requirement if you know what I mean. I know what you mean. There were many reasons why people died; it wasn't just the fabric of the building, the LOCKED FIRE EXITS, poor management-communication and panic also contributed to the death-toll. As did the inadequate fire-fighting equipment. The last thing on everyones mind was that a tragedy would occur- this possibility never really entered into the equation so was ignored, perhaps wilfully. It is said that the Summerland fire instigated change in the perception of risk-management of such projects. It was a hard way to learn for some, though...
  17. Due to the fierce heat, some of the panels shrank from their retainers and fell into the building and then caught fire. The manufacturers of 'Oroglas' had advised that a sprinkler system should be installed in case of fire. It wasn't. It'd be easy to speculate as to why....
  18. The 3 boys owned-up to it did they not? They were charged with criminal damage, to the padlock if i remember correctly(wonder where they are now...?). Sounded a bit 'conspiracy-theorist', to me.
  19. Says the man who spends the best part of every day and evening in front of a computer screen. Ace.
  20. Yes Gladys, you've got 'M' dead-on. I've gotten to think of those lads whose actions led to the disaster and wonder how their lives've panned-out. They were eventually charged with criminal damage, to the padlock on the kiosk that served the 'Crazy Golf', if i remember correctly. I was having a drink in the 'Legion', this TT week, and noticed the copper who'd been 'very handy' with me and 'M'. Sat and wondered what his memories were. I guess feelings ran pretty high with the cops at the time and they were looking for a result. Other stuff i recall is that my sister, who'd only just passed her driving-test was busy running some of the less-injured to Nobles and then picking-up blood-donors and ferrying them to the hospital. Weren't some of the local cabbies also involved with this? Maybe Lonan3 could shed light on this...? If you You Tube the ITV report & interviews you will spot yourself along with a young man who used to wear canary yellow parallels. Is that who was hauled in with you? Indeed. He was a nice lad, a great family, in fact. You must've met him. They were electric yellow, quite the thing back then. Ha! Bit like your salmon-pinks...!
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