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woody2 last won the day on March 13 2020

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  1. germany.........ukexit...........iom.............all mentioned and your still not happy...... Words complained about removed.
  2. "she was wearing a short skirt, so she was asking for it"
  3. one for mojo...... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-50398227
  4. learn to read......
  5. what?
  6. so it turns out the south african has never had talks with the uk.....and the plant was always going to be built in germany........large eu grant given as well........
  7. and the clintons involvement........
  8. and how old in spain...........
  9. i see rudd has left the remoaners vote campaign.............best not to go walking near any woods with alastair "wmd" campbell on the case........
  10. 1. everyone's the same under the wto...... 2. as long as your talking the wto won't take action......
  11. of course he's guilty.......but nasty nancy says she's only out to damage him.......unless the republicans chuck him under a bus......he's home free...... now what have the biden's been up to........
  12. did she keep the dress......
  13. still......the royal family plan to get markle off the front page worked......
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