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Oh Mona

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Everything posted by Oh Mona

  1. Manx Telecom only installed fibre to an elderly persons complex forcing residents to have to pay extra to have a landline. Not all elderly people can use smart phones. Add to that the extra for a paper bill because not all old people can use computers means elderly hard-up pensioners are hardest hit.
  2. Have the political members who have said that Rob was 'incompetent' had the balls to stand up and say exactly why yet? Or are they not competent enough to do this? Manx Care was a disaster from the start and the incompetency was from those that agreed to pay someone nearly£1m to come up with a report that was a waste of money. How much money will they waste before they realize this?
  3. Oh Mona

    Peel Marina

    Could someone clarify where all the heavy metals went to before they built the marina.
  4. Oh Mona

    Next AG?

    Weeks since the interviews for the new AG. Anyone know why there has been no announcement?
  5. The IOM is a Crown dependency. The Queen, Lord of Man is the "Defender of the Faith" and Supreme Governor of the Church of England. The prayers should remain and those that do not want to pray should just take that short moment to listen to their own conscience before they vote or stand up and speak. That way they may think more about their actions and who and what they are representing. The people of the Isle of Man, not their own self-serving agendas.
  6. One should look closely at the planning application as well.
  7. Sums matters up really, that politicians didn’t even know that regulations already applied to the IOM. I am not sure but I think these regulations were already in force when DHSC decided to do a consultation to see if they should bring in regulations? Ashford has not got a handle on what is happening in his department especially since the top 3 civil servants left, and with a possible no deal brexit on the horizon it is worrying.
  8. Naaa. I would put Harmer in charge if either swings or roundabouts!
  9. If they went any deeper they would probably hit solid rock! Not huge voids! Although aren’t there some voids around Loch prom to allow water to drain/flow away which were put there by design?
  10. It is not up to the Borough Council whether rate rebates are made, it is up to the Rent and Rating Appeal Commission surely? Have any domestic house holders applied for a reduction? Thinking of doing so myself.
  11. Intelligent? But what realistic and workable ideas has he actually come up with himself for a better system of property tax than already exists? I haven't seen anything tangible?
  12. You mistyped "taxpayer" there. Exactly. Not the best idea I've seen on this forum. I don't care for my hard earned tax going to pay for people to sit around processing all the extra cheques. Although I'm sure the staff would be happy if they get some OT out of it!
  13. As the charge is against the person benefitting from the service, could the tenant demand that he be invoiced for the sewerage charge separately, and not have it included in his rent? Thereby giving them the option to pay or not to pay? Roger Mexico's comment on garages is also interesting, some may be liable some won't. How will they know, bound to be people get away without paying. Also what about an old boarding house converted to flats, with one connection but say 3 separate flats all paying £50 v an old boarding house rated as one property with multiple occupants in bedsits paying just 1 x £50. Fair system or what? At the end of the day we are told it is only £50, less than £1 per week, and the electricity has only gone up by £20 or so, and the water rates a mere 3%... etc etc etc, which all adds up don't it!
  14. We go to Ramsey to see ours fella!
  15. I agree, an all Island rate would not be fair. There are people on this Island who rarely, if ever, go to Douglas. A presumtive tax based on the possibility they might go to Douglas to take advantage of the facilities provided by Douglas Corporation is grossly unfair. Perhaps Government Departments should move out of Douglas and save money by paying lower rates! How Douglas residents would moan about having to travel to Ramsey or Castletown to sort there tax out or claim benefits etc etc!
  16. And quite fair we pay less rates in the villages and rural locations. After all we pay plenty of fuel duty travelling to work and to shop in Douglas! So that is fair. Anyway, on to important issues..how well did JH manage to avoid answering any of the difficult questions in the House today? Clever politician or waffling dimwit? The voters must decide next election!
  17. I'll leave it to the accountants to explore, but that Depreciation figure seems very high to me. The anticipated income generated by the Sewerage Charge in 2014/15 will be £2 million,less any discounts taken. I think the discounts will only apply to people who quibble the proportionate level of charge relative to their usage and ability to pay. I seriously doubt any discounts will be offered without arguing ones own case firmly. I doubt there is any discount given for inability to pay. The discount will purely be an early settlement discount.
  18. He [Mr Houghton] said he was sympathetic, adding Ms Humphries or anyone else was welcome to contact him. He said there would be no criminal sanctions for non-payment and anyone in difficulty should make that known. "This is a civil matter and no-one will go to prison," he said. And Mr Houghton will say what when you contact him? Oh dear my hands were tied. Just more BS from the man!
  19. Not sure that is quite correct,however, I did question a bit earlier who actually was liable, particularly between landlord and tenant, and suggested John Wright may be able to give some clarity to what the Order actually states. Also empty properties, are they liable?
  20. I haven't actually read the Order that was passed, so who is actually liable for this? Me as a tenant or my landlord whose property it is? Is John Wright the expert on here on matters regarding rent and rates? Perhaps he can explain the implications?
  21. The words horse, stable, bolted, spring to mind. I doubt the vote will go any other way than in favour of the charge, however, if they all have a conscience and realise how JH misled them you never know.
  22. Thanks for this. All guilty bar one (plus Chris Thomas who wasn't there) which is what I have tried to point out before. Thanks Guilty for showing how guilty they are. The ayes have had it.
  23. I don't know. Afteral some people are too thick to use a simple quote system on a forum website? Somehow it doesn't seem to stop them from being fucking smug though. Very true. And some can't spell!
  24. True, but the politicians have given that power and it has taken the public to point it out, either wittingly or unwittingly. How many will admit to being too thick to see it? Not necessarily. That absolves the department which is not true in a lot of cases. Taxation facilitated through secondary legislation totally stinks. Its undemocratic, and basically hands taxing powers to civil servants without any Treasury oversight. Its pernicious and morally wrong. These are not parking fines, these are levies on essential services that have the potential to impact every household on the Island (ie. a tax).
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