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About Kopek

  • Birthday 12/27/1948

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  1. The French have the best attitude to private/privacy, as long as they do their jobs, does it matter who they are bonking???
  2. Not sure about Wilson??? Or Mitterrand??? Or Alf????
  3. With Crazy Dave's wife no doubt? Poor cuckold Dave!!!😀
  4. Maybe his plane hasn't landed on time!!!
  5. By including ''unnecessary' in your argument you are allowing that hospitality could, indeed, be a 'necessary' recipient of a Govt subsidy if it was so decided?
  6. ''....There are too many sh1t hospitality businesses on the rock...''. ....but if you apply the concept of 'the best will survive', the 'shit' businesses would have gone? If they are surviving, they obviously have a following to keep them going and the majority of Manx business is still going!
  7. Kopek

    News embargoes?

    Those bloomers would have ripped the fence off the Marine Drive!!!
  8. Kopek

    News embargoes?

    Well, I'd never let an AI character light my candle!!! Nor that old pic of Gladys ! Christ, her pea shooter is bigger than mine!!!
  9. It's always best to have competition between retail giants. We, the public, haven't any control over what they do? With price comparison sites available to the general public and probably more sophisticated, paid for, sites available to the retail sector, then it's not hard to see that a retailer could undercut a competitor by a few pence on selected items but still offer a price HIGHER than their normal pricing structure!!! It's retailing, we'll never win!
  10. well that's their job isn't it. yuou wouldn't want a union to sell you down the river?
  11. and and and, don't forget to tell your spouse that you support their being fired and turn the radiator in the spare bedroom up a notch or two!!! Jeeze, if only it were that simple?
  12. Go on then, fire your spouse, your relatives, your friends, your neighbours and then, face them!
  13. Maybe she will take it as an opport6unity to have a holiday/break with her kids, if she has any, then back to grind with open roads the rest of the year? Not an excuse to moan aboput it but then that's the current bandwagon.
  14. Time and Motion study of office workers? How would that work? Thr IT dept already know who spends more time on Facebook than their workbook, can they 'split' on their colleagues?
  15. Spite, petulance and ' do you know who I am', never a good attitude for compromise?
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