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Doctor Kenneth Noisewater

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Everything posted by Doctor Kenneth Noisewater

  1. Electricity generated does not have to go back to the power stations, just to one of the primary substations, in this case castle town would be most likely. Wind turbine generators will generate at HV and fed into the HV distribution system https://www.manxutilities.im/about-us/our-assets/electricity/
  2. You are talking out of your dirty buggane. Firstly there is only 1 turbine at the EfW. Secondly the steam turbine is relatively small. Thirdly the turbine hall is serviced by a 10 tonne overhead crane. No part of the steam turbine weighs more than 10 tonnes. The heaviest component is the generator, and this has been craned out and shipped away for routine overhaul on at least 2 occasions.
  3. Hello, I've used Google Podcasts for ages. Google are soon to stop this app, putting podcasts on YouTube Music. When I try to use YouTube Music, there is no content, showing a message "Music streaming isn't available yet in this country". I had issues with Google Play on the IOM many years ago, which seemed to resolve itself. Can anybody confirm if they are able to use YouTube Music on the IOM? Thanks in advance Dr K
  4. Just got an email from Barclaycard saying they're closing the account as I don't have a UK address. Another card bites the dust
  5. Wrong sub-forum - automatic 24hr ban. Sorry John, rules are rules.
  6. Well done to all involved! Listened on the radio - well played. Thanks to all who has supported this project.
  7. On what road was this hole being dug? If you let me know I'll look into it.
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