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Ham_N_Eggs last won the day on April 26 2021

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  1. Back in my day I had lots of supply teachers. What's the relevance to what is happening today? Your teachers were hardier than those nowadays? Perhaps your memory isn't what it once was?
  2. It wouldn't suprise me if they're all getting kick-backs from Israel in some form. Whether by support for the a party or individual via "friends of Israel" and other such lobby groups (this lobby group exists on the Island btw - 453 members on Facebook) or direct funding from UK based Zionists. It's amazing how money can ease a person's conscience and stop you giving a fuck for your fellow human.
  3. They're all merging together. Once they have onboarded the book of business there's no longer the requirement for as many staff to service it.
  4. Are the Govt / health sector posts really new positions or are they just filling the vacancies that they have had running on for years. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/more-than-3000-jobs-added-to-economy-since-september-2021/
  5. Does it? They may have read the speculation and become sickened by it. You just don't know.
  6. Someone has just posted on Facebook under a 3fm article about the arrest that that their mother was murdered. So it's probably not the time for wild specution as there is a grieving family
  7. I wonder why he felt the need to put masonic symbols on the chair when none exist on the original...
  8. Just back up this point, if we look at the last government and what they achieved at the same stage in the same parliamentary year, 2019, they had 10 Acts read on Tynwald Day. It looks like this year we are on 4 and with virtually no legislation going through (there has been nothing for weeks in Keys) it is unlikely to get above 10. This appears to be the most lackadaisical administration we have had for some time. What are they doing?
  9. They work, I downloaded them from the order paper when it came out. They are just really slow to download.
  10. Both, they are both published on the Tynwald Order Paper. It's not really a great conspiracy she just doesn't want to do the legwork herself.
  11. I assume you didn't listen to her when she sat on the Legislative Council?
  12. They've been busy developing policies and forgetting the most important bit: a policy is just hot air unless they use legislation to make it a reality. Although, they might think they can nudge us to more prosperous times.
  13. They can only deal with the business put in front of them. Bar asking questions, the House of Keys really hasn't done much since the election.
  14. It wasn't in the Island Plan to raise the population. It was the economic strategy. Jersey are having a vote of no confidence in their chief minister on 16th Jan. Guernsey have already removed theirs. Maybe the Keys should try it since we always follow where the Channel Islands lead. They would only need a simple majority of 13 Members
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