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RIchard Britten

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Everything posted by RIchard Britten

  1. Its almost as bad as his Jack Bauer-esque power fantasy about gunning down terrorists to save one hundred people.
  2. So...Cambridge Analytica did not work for Leave.EU and UKIP in the run up to the referendum? Hmmmm. Appeal to majority failure. You mean the majority of people who voted. There is an approximate 13 million people difference between the two statements. So much wrong with that statement. Shall we make British nationals with less than thirty years wear a special symbol so we know who they are? Plus, are you suggesting that no-one born in the UK under the age of 30 should not have had a vote in something that would affect them for decades to come? Talk about stacking the deck in your favour...
  3. I'm done. There is no talking to someone displaying either this level of stupid, trolling or both.
  4. Waffle, waffle, waffle. How many were eligible to vote in Brexit - the number of those that voted for Brexit? I'll give you a clue, 17.4 is not bigger than 29.1
  5. Wrong, but time will be the harshest judge of the calamity that is to come.
  6. What is this "we" you speak of? There was no unifying voice to Brexit.
  7. That have something to do with the fact the majority of those voting for Brexit had no bloody clue what Brexit was, what it was for or what the outcome of a Brexit would be. A blind leap into the dark with 17.4 miliion different desired outcomes.
  8. Yes, lets run the country to the whims of 17.4 million, a country with a population of 66.8 million. Can't see that having issues down the line...
  9. Not harbouring any "theories", just trying to find out (unsuccessfully after several pages) what is the actual problem you have with kids have relationship education at primary school and why you feel they should have to wait until their teens?
  10. A conclusion you are drawing. The "only I can see, everyone else is misguided" mentality is a common trait amongst the conspiracy community.
  11. Still waiting for your reference about "Call me Dave" and the Four Freedoms.
  12. "Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list." Denis Leary
  13. Only the ones you are drawing yourself. It all sounds like the kind of illogical leaps conspiracy nutters make when trying to link complete unrelated things together to justify their particular brand of crazy.
  14. Brexiteer losing arguement...check Resorts to "we won get over it"...check
  15. Is it though? Or is that just part of the rhetoric used as part of the Leave campaign?
  16. Do you have a reference for that? Because I can only find reference to July 2016 after the referendum.
  17. So you're not going to back up your claim with workings? I'll take that as the win it is.
  18. Your claim, your workings. Here maybe this will help you out: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/high-immigration-nhs-crisis
  19. Just out of interest, what was your parents views on gay people when you are school?
  20. You're still not saying the why to your argument. Primary school children receive "relationship" education, which is not the same as sex education.
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